Все публикации

Year 3 Maths | Missing number - subtraction with numbers in tens

Year 4 Maths | Problem solving - multiply or divide pence

Year 5 Maths | Multiply 2-digit number by 25, 50 and multiples of 10

Year 4 Maths | Problem solving involving data tables

Year 2 Maths | 10 Times Table

Year 3 Maths | Addition of 3- & 1-digit numbers

Year 5 Maths | Subtraction of a number with 5- or more digits

Year 1 Maths | Read and write numbers to 20

Year 5 Maths | Convert between improper and mixed number fractions

Year 4 Maths | Find the missing 4-digit number

Year 4 Maths | Calculations using the Commutative Law

Year 4 Maths | Addition of 4- or more- digit numbers

Year 5 Maths | Division of 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers

Year 4 Maths | Compare larger amounts of money

Year 4 Maths | Problem solving involving line graphs

Year 4 Maths | Round numbers to the nearest 10

Year 4 Maths | Find place value of numbers greater than 10000's

Year 4 Maths | Multiply 2 digit number by 100, 1000 etc

Year 4 Maths | Compare fractions high - bigger, smaller

Year 2 Maths | Tally charts

Year 4 Maths | Divide decimal numbers by 10, 100, 1000

Year 4 Maths | Round numbers to the nearest 1,000

Year 4 Maths | Compare decimals - bigger than, smaller than

Year 2 Maths | Division within the 1,2,5,10 times tables