Все публикации

Focus Tutoring® VS Traditional Tutoring

How to improve maths with Free Play at Plytime Learning

Personalised AI GCSE Maths Content with Plytime Learning

Primary Maths Support with Plytime Learning

Year 5 Maths | Perimeter of 2D composite shapes

Year 4 Maths | 9 Times Table

Year 3 Maths | Order numbers, 100 - 1000, in size

Year 2 Maths | Missing numbers within the 1,2,5 & 10 times tables

Year 4 Maths | Equations with addition and subtraction

Year 3 Maths | Addition of three 1 & 2 digit numbers

Year 5 Maths | Division of up to 100 by 1 digit, creating decimals

Year 2 Maths | Combine coins to under £1

Year 3 Maths | Subtract 3 digits from 3 digits

Year 6 Maths | Reading and writing numbers up to 10,000,000

Year 3 Maths | Reading and writing numbers to 1000 in numerals and words

Year 1 Maths | Subitising

Year 6 Maths | Identifying common factors, multiples and prime numbers

Year 2 Maths | Low values of money under £1

Year 4 Maths | Convert between metric mass (mg, g, kg)

Year 4 Maths | Divide whole numbers by 10, 100, 1000 to end in decimals

Year 3 Maths | Missing fraction in simple linear sequences

Year 4 Maths | Translation of a point up/down/side

Year 4 Maths | Mixed Times Tables Instant Recall

Year 3 Maths | Missing number - subtraction with numbers in tens