Все публикации

Some updates and announcements

Thoughts on the 'Manosphere'

King James Onlyism is circular reasoning

Easy Believism vs the Biblical Gospel

Modern Versions and the Deity of Christ

John 1:18 'God' or 'Son'?

Don't fall for KJV Onlyism

'Why are you against the KJB?!'

How to spot a Cultic KJV Onlyist

King James Only Roman Catholic Conspiracies

KJV vs NIV: Matthew 1:25 'Firstborn'

What is 'Easy Believism'?

KJV vs NIV 1 John 3:1

KJV vs NIV 'through his blood' (Colossians 1:14)

KJV vs NIV 2 Thessalonians 2:7

Is the KJV based on older evidence than modern versions?

KJV vs NIV Philippians 2:6

KJV vs NIV Colossians 2:9

KJV vs NIV John 1:18

KJV vs NIV 2 Samuel 5:23

KJV vs NIV Romans 9:5

Does Jesus teach KJVOnlyism in Matt 4:4?

'God' or 'He who' in 1 Timothy 3:16?

Does 2 Timothy 3:16-17 teach King Jame Onlyism?