Все публикации

Sharing and Refactoring Code - A Brief Chat

Coding Rocket Engines in Python - Inspired by SpaceX

Molecules and Atoms - Coding Chemistry

How to Track a Car - GameDev with Python

Redecorating the Backrooms - Adding Textures (Python)

Coding Adventure - Self-driving Cars in Python

Coding Adventure - Making a Backrooms Game in Python - Exploring Ray Casting

Create Beautiful Maps with Python! - Great for Travelling and Scrap Booking

Gamedev Maths: Point in Polygon (General and Python Tutorial)

How to Solve World Hunger - Code With Me (Python Project)

How a VILLAIN fed the world!

Do we have enough food? #shorts #foodsecurity

Coding Emails - How to Automate Emails with Python

Coding Networks - Adding weight to my network graphs!

Watching Stocks, Python for Finance - Investing Tools (Tutorial/CodeWithMe)

Coding a Solar Clock - Python Calendar Clock

UI for Network Visualisation and Pathfinding - Python (Networks Part 4)

Travelling Around the World! Fun with Networks

Pathfinding with BFS and DFS - Python (Networks Part 3)

How to Code Snow - Python Project

Exploring Networks with Breadth First Search and Depth First Search - Python (Networks Part 2)

Coding a Collider - Fun with Particles (Python Project)

Networks in Disguise - Python (Networks Part 1)

A UI for Sorting Algorithms - Python