Все публикации

Ζωντανή ροή Nickthesail0r

Simple House Decor For 3D Printing

Ζωντανή ροή Nickthesail0r

Creating Armadillo (Antonio Rodriguez) from Marvel Comics

Painting Xenomorph and its container

Angler Fish 3D Design

Lieutenant Kanelos Printed with Elegoo Mars 5 Ultra

Bile Demon

3D Modeling - 3d Print and quick paint

Digital Warfare

Stop Motion Animation with Blender (Ad video) Timelapse

#3ddesign #blender #3dprint #art #animation #blender3d #alien #3dmodeling #bomberman #3danimation

Quick Product Animation with blender and capcut

Creating Xenomorph Embryo with Blender Part 1

Creating a simple Seahorse with Krita

Alien 'Face-Hugger' quick sculpting in Blender

Bomberman modelling with blender

Guybrush Threepwood from Monkey Island (Sculpting)

Design Klayman 'The Neverhood' for 3D Printing

Add AI Influencer to real photo with Krita

AI Influencer quick workflow with krita AI and roomtodo

wake up

'The Dynatopo' Timelapse Blender sculpting

Failed to Success Blender Timelapse (No Reference)