Все публикации

what about off-season academic workouts?

what is wrong with American students?

Analyzing Polynomials

teachers should not have to do grades

what good students should be doing during summer break

AP Precal FRQ 3

Arc Length (Integral Calculus)

Summer Calculus Prep: Algebra

5 tips for math success

Math Motivation 10

Summer Calculus Prep: The Natural Log

Math and Track: Where Should You Cut In When Running the 800 or the 2nd Leg of the 4 x 400

Math Motivation 9

Quadratic Sequence Trick

Math Motivation 8

Quadratic Sequences

Why 0.9 (repeating) is Not a 'Real' Number

Sum of All Natural Numbers: The Definitive and Most Rigorous Proof Ever Shown

GRE Quantitative (Math) Problems Live

Distance and Displacement

Why is Math the Bad Guy?

Differential Equations Lesson 6: Constant Coefficient Linear ODEs with a Constant Input

Trapezoidal Sum

Differential Equations Lesson 5: First Order Linear Differential Equations