Все публикации

The Real Challenge: Keeping G-d With Us When We are in a Settled Place: Tazria 5784

the Categories and the Participants in the sins of Speech: Tazria 5784 #5

The harm of the tale-bearer

Hanging with the People Who Don't Talk About Others: Tazria 5784 #3

The Progression of tzaraat from house to fabrics to body: Tazria 5784 #2

Introduction to tzaraat: Tazria 5874 #1

6 months in- 'through those close to Me I will be Sanctified': Shmini 5784

Presumptuousness: Nadav and Avihu 5784 #4

The Strange Fire: Shmini 5784 #3

Nadav and Avihu- Just this one sin: Shmini 5784 #2

Introduction to the story of Nadav and Avihu: Shmini 5784

The Eternal Flame on the Altar and Within- Lessons from Joe Lieberman, ob'm: Tzav 5784

Shushan Purim with an Eye on Jerusalem

The Modern Fight Against Amalek 5784

The Importance of the Fast of Esther at a Time of Distress

Reputation Matters, Even with the Scoffers: Pekudei 5784

Gathering for the Right Reasons: Vayakhel 5784

Can't Compare Hearing to Seeing: Ki Tisa 5784

Urim AND Tumim- The Inspiration to Make Sense of the Information: Tetzave 5784

An Eye for Eye: Mishpatim 5784

Our Torah: YItro 5784

Rising to What Needs to be Done: Beshalach 5784

A Moral People in the Face of Oppressors and Always: Bo 5784

The Trait of Curiosity: Shmot 5784