Все публикации

God Rests Upon Us

They'll Learn Awe from How We Carry Ourselves

Resolving the Age Old Chicken-Egg Question

Creation in Tishrei or Nisan? A core dispute

Four Rosh Hashanas: Judgement on the 1st of Tishrei

4 Rosh Hashanas: Agricultural mitzvot

The 4 Rosh Hashanas p1: Kings

4 Rosh Hashanas: Animals

Hope Feeds Strength Which Feeds Hope: Psalm 27 final

Guide Me on the Straight Path: Psalm 27 (p 4)

When my father and mother leave me, God gathers me in...

To Dwell in God's House and to Visit (?) His Palace

Hashem Ori veyish'i- The Lord is My Light and Salvation

Judges and Officers on All Your Gates

The Most Important 40 days

ELUL: I am for my beloved and my beloved is for me

How They Know You in Your Home, Not in Public: Bamidbar 5784

Anger, The Most Dangerous Trait: Shabbat Bechukotai 5784

The Omer is Not Just Mourning: Emor 5784

The Great Principle of the Torah: Kedoshim 5784

The Purpose of the Rabbi's Shabbat Hagadol drashah: Pesach 5784

Off the Property, or On It, but Rid of it in Our Minds: Pre-Pesach 5784 #4

Burn Baby Burn (that chametz): Pre-Pesach 5784 #3

Only When It's Your Chametz: Pre-Pesach 5784 #2