Все публикации

#496 | Derek Kaufman: How the Abundance Agenda Can Remake American Politics - The Realignment Pod

#495 | Justin Slaughter: What Role Will Crypto Policy Play in the 2024 Election?

#494 | Raj M. Shah: How Silicon Valley Is Building the Future of War - The Realignment Podcast

#493 | Zack Beauchamp: The Reactionary Spirit vs. Democracy in the U.S. & Abroad - The Realignment

#491 | Jonathan Darman: Why Joe Biden Didn't Drop Out and the Lessons of 1968 - The Realignment Pod

#489 | Aaron Renn: How a Declining American Can Get Back on Track and Renew Itself - The Realignment

488 | Gen. Frank McKenzie: High Command & War in the 2020s - Kabul, Iran, & China - The Realignment

#486 | Ruchir Sharma: A Capitalists Case Against Capitalism - Bailouts, Debt, Regs - The Realignment

#485 | Peter Goodman: How Supply Chains Broke and the World Ran Out of Everything - The Realignment

#484 | Steven Teles: The Rise of the Abundance Agenda & America's Factional Future - The Realignment

#483 | John Strausbaugh: How the Soviet Space Program Crashed & Burned - The Realignment

#482 | Stephanie Ternullo: How Democrats Lost White Voters in the Heartland - The Realignment Pod

#479 | David Ignatius: How the War in Ukraine Turned into the First Space War - The Realignment Pod

#478 | Craig Whitlock: How Fat Leonard Bribed and Corrupted the U.S. Navy - The Realignment Podcast

#476: Edward O'Keefe: The Era, Women, and Realignment That Made Theodore Roosevelt - The Realignment

#475 | Bayard Winthrop: The Case for Bringing Manufacturing Back to the USA - The Realignment Pod

#474 | David E. Sanger: New Cold Wars - America, China, and Russia - The Realignment Podcast

#473 | Dmitri Alperovitch: Why the Fight for Taiwan Will Define the 21st Century - The Realignment

#472 | Dana Mattioli: Lina Khan's Amazon Lawsuit & the Future of Antitrust - The Realignment Podcast

#471| Natalie Foster: The Failure of Neoliberalism & the Next American Economy - The Realignment

#470: Nick Troiano: Party Primaries the Cause of America's Political Dysfunction - The Realignment

#468 | Adam Klein: Why TikTok Should Be Owned by Americans - The Realignment Pod

467 | Annie Jacobsen: What Would the First Minutes of a Nuclear War Look Like? - The Realignment Pod

466 | Tim Carney: Is Culture Driving America's Collapsing Birth Rate? - The Realignment Podcast