Все публикации

Bosnia Agile Day 2022

#BADay2022 - Why we need software Renaissance (Boris Đukić)

#BADay2022 - Enabling DevSecOps in Your Organization Based on Fortify (Yaroslav Popov)

#BADay2022 - Responding to Change in Digital Era (Kreshnik Halili)

#BADay2022 - Neuroscience and Agile Leadership (Edina Torić)

#BADay2022 - Product outcomes and what we can learn from running shoes, sailing and a good tiramisu

#BADay2022 - Agile al dente: Two tablespoons of Scrum and one teaspoon of Kanban (Tarik Bučan)

#BADay2022 - Agile marketing - why marketing needs to become agile? (Jaka Kladnik)

#BADay2022 - Helping Organizations Become Fit-For-Future (Nino Zeljko)

#BADay2022 - Modern Testing Principles - Natural Evolution of Agile Testing (Mirza Šišić)

#BADay2022 - The Agile Transformation Redesigned (Ognjen Bajic)

#BADay2022 - Scrum, Kanban or a Mix of Both? A Review and Suggestion for Practitioners (N. Ozkan)

#BADay2022 - From slow to flow: using agile approach to transform traditional change management

BA Week 2021: Richard Kasperowski - High-Performance Teams – Core Protocols for Psychological Safety

BA Week 2021: Aida Jamak - Nexus to the MAX Bicom Systems Story

BA Week 2021: Richard Knaster - Supercharge your teams with Value Stream Management

BA Week 2021: Jasmin Ahmetbašić - BH Telekom Voyager

BA Week 2021: Olta Prifti - Agile is not just for software development, it’s for the whole business

Bosnia Agile Meetup - Growth Hacking - Esmar Mesic

BA Week 2020: Rešad Začina - Building a world-class work culture

BA Week 2020:Scott Ambler- Disciplined Agile: Past, present, and future.The path to business agility

BA Week 2020: Giles Lindsay - Agile leadership for the future

BA Week 2020: Mustafa Mehmedić - Production Support - the DevOps way

BA Week 2020: Dave Farley - The Rationale for Continuous Delivery