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Settlement Criteria, Design Approach for Embankments, Retaining Walls on Compressible Soils 0-7161

Thank you, Texas!

TxDOT Kicks Off the First Construction Projects for the North Houston Highway Improvement Project

Trenton Road - Pre-recorded video presentation

TxDOT El Paso District


Develop Standardized Operational Evaluation of Wrong-Way Driving Detection Technologies 0-7119

Develop Enhanced Protection of Median Openings Between Parallel Bridge Structures 0-7021-01

Logistics Sprawl Impacts on E-commerce Travel Patterns 0-7165

Develop NextGen Texas Bridge Decks 0-7041

Develop Models for Field Performance of Friction and Skid Number 0-7102

Connecting Texas 2050 Capstone Video

Use of Rapid Setting Hydraulic Cement (RSHC) for Structural Applications 0-7017

Use of X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) to Determine Tire Rubber Content in Asphalt Binders 0-7168