Все публикации


R.C.Sproul/John MacArthur Answer: Does God love everyone unconditionally?

John MacArthur Answers: Do babies who die go to Heaven?

R.C.Sproul/John MacArthur Answer: Should a Christian vote for a president who is not a Christian?

R.C. Sproul Answers: What are the dangers of practicing mystical prayer?

Steve Lawson Answers: What is the Gospel?

R.C. Sproul & John MacArthur Answer: Will all the nation of Israel be saved?

R.C. Sproul & John MacArthur Answer: Was Adam just a tribal chief & not the federal head of mankind?

R.C. Sproul & John MacArthur Answer: How do you reconcile your differing theological views?

R.C. Sproul & John MacArthur: How do you reconcile your differing (theological) views?

R.C. Sproul Answers: What is your view on altar calls?

R.C. Sproul Answers: If in Adam ALL die, shouldn't Jesus' death save ALL? (thoughts on universalism)

R.C. Sproul Answers: What does success & failure look like in the eyes of Jesus?

R.C. Sproul Answers: Why did God create sin and satan?

R.C. Sproul Answers: Is every individual perpetually in a state of sin?

R.C. Sproul Answers: Does God speak to us through private (i.e. extraBiblical) revelation?

R.C. Sproul Answers: What does the Bible teach about Generational Curses?

R.C. Sproul Answers: Was the American Revolution justified?

How was David allowed to enter the Tabernacle since descendants of Moab were prohibited?

R.C. Answers: How can God regret something if He knows everything?

Since the Manhattan Declaration, has there been a change of opinion from the evangelical community?

Are Christians justified in using harsh language like Jesus and Paul did?

How should I respond to those who encourage me to dumb down spiritual things for my students?

R.C. Sproul Answers: What is Double Predestination?