Все публикации

Olavash Qutadg'u Biligda.

Bashar Al Assad laughed when Gadaffi warned Arab leaders what was coming.

33rd U.S. President Harry Truman about zionist Jews.


There are a handful of Americans who understand what’s happening in Syria.Good summary here.

operation tIMBEr sYCAMORe 2 erdogan's variant.

Let me guess - Israel won't attack Syria only if it returns hostages?

Olam, Alan, Alam(eli) bu Öğuz etnonimi= etnotoponimi Samarqand viloyati Payariq tumanida ham bor.

Y N-F4205 Western Zhou and IMA005-Ilmovaya Pad'-Late Hun samples, within Turkmen and Siberian Tatars

Y N-F4205-N-F22331 Turkman sample from Ay Derwish(Kalaleh), Golestan-Turkman Sahra

Salur Turkmanlar

Ğaznaviylar va Saljuqiylar tuyaning mahsus zotini yaratishga harakat qilishganligi haqida.

Lightning Bolts.

Turkic people named Gypsy people Chiğaniy. In Orkhon-Yenisey scripts, poor people called the same

Qutqaruvchilar Turkcha sözlashmoqda. Eron prezidenti helicopteri butunlay yonib ketgan deyishayapti

Begi Do'st-Bekmurod Usmonov

Matching Samples. A story to tell. Example video only.

Uzbek Orientalist G'aybulla Boboyorov Ko'kturk=Axşena in the Sogdian.

Uzbek Orientalists G. Babayarov and F. Jumaniyazova talks about Kushans, White Huns and Turks.

The Kakhovka reservoir bottom reveals WW2 soldiers skulls and remains.

The Saga Map.

Premium DNA Saga.

23andme autosomal result in the MyTrueAncestry.

MyHeritage autosomal result in the MyTrueAncestry.