Все публикации

Gingival bleeding - What are the causes?

Should you graft after tooth extraction? #dentist #clinicalconcept

Keloid- scar tissue and treatment?

Furcation involvement od teeth - Classification

Principal fibers of Periodontal ligament

Interdental aids in teeth cleaning I Dental floss, interdental brush I Periodontics

ENAP - Excisional new attachment procedure

Types of Bone Grafts in Periodontics #grafts #autograft #allograft #alloplast

Cementoenamel junction types #cementum #enamel

Sequel of Food impaction #gumdisease #periodontaldisease #caries

ADA specification of toothbrush #toothbrush #teeth

Gracey curette Vs Universal Curette #scalinginstruments #rootplaning #scaler #curette #dentist

Changes in gingival contour #stillmans cleft #McCall festoon

Parts of Dental implant. #dentalimplant #abutment #titanium

Gingival recession, Pocket and clinical attachment loss

Blood supply and innervation of Gingiva

Ultrasonic scalers - the ultimate guide l Scaling of teeth l Mediklaas

Urea cycle biochemistry

Oral irrigation - The Game-Changing Oral Care Technique I Periodontology I Mediklaas

Amino acids - the building blocks of proteins

Dietary fibers- Boost Your Health and Well-being! I Biochemistry I Mediklaas

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) I Factors affecting BMR I Biochemistry I Mediklaas

Nasal Septum I Anatomy I Mediklaas

Parotid gland Anatomy I Relations, blood supply, applied anatomy I Mediklaas