When You Can't Focus on Reading Or Learning You Aren't Alone

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The ability to focus is something that we all struggle with. We all wish we had laser like focus and could read or study for hours without losing our train of thought. And maybe for some that is true but in general we all have problems focusing. Seriously, all of us do.

I am a 2 time USA Memory Champion and one of my biggest struggles is brain fog and not being able to focus. This is how I deal with that and what I would recommend for you.

If you want a specific video from me on dealing with brain fog I have this one here

But as you will see from this video when I have trouble focusing the biggest thing that I do is that I do not give up!
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Sending a big virtual hug to you Ron, I do have problems focusing on reading and other things that require concentration.


Well, that was the most honest thought on YouTube about focusing... I really thought I can't do anything in the world just because I was not able to focus on my studies. And I admit I do have tendency to give up easily... But Imma try harder in a smart way. Kudos to you gentleman... Please pray for me for my board exams :)


I agree that not giving up is the best way to stay locked in but I've also found that if you can try to find a true love and passion for whatever you are trying to complete, it becomes a beautiful journey instead of a burden. Just taking 30 seconds and trying to get into a mentality of this is awesome stuff changes the whole process.


Thank you! I love & NEEDED this today. 🤗
I've already watched this video 2 times.


Thank you amazing 🔥🔥🔥
I kinda wasted my whole life playing video games not studying.
Passing my exams by copying and now I am close to pass out and I don't know jack shit and I have extreme issues with focusing because of gaming. And I kept comparing myself to other people. I loved how you said don't compare yourself to others and don't give up thank you really needed this.


Ron, you are really a good guy. Thanks for all you do.


I was fighting against my focus problem and boom. You made this video.


I really want to establish a reading habit in my life, but I have had trouble focusing since I was young. I will start and then stop and eventually just give up because it’s too hard.
I found this video very encouraging so thank you.


I am trying to memorize the bible, well not all 750 thousand words, just a lot of them I thought I was the only one with focus issues. Thank you so much for taking the time to tell us we are normal and not stupid!


Thanks Ron!!! Big big thanks to you... I am not going to give up!


Enhanced visual memory.. Many people are blessed with this skill. Other mnemetic tools can be auditory memory. I seem to be able to instantly recall detailed memories based on .. SMELL!! Yes, If someone wears a certain colognee and years later I smell that cologne again I instantly recall everything. Weird. I'd rather have the visual memory! I'm like a compass near north most of the time 😂


"You're not in a competition with somebody else" I'm not sure about that Ron because most of us want to be well-focused to get the better grades and become more competitive in the free market which is becoming not just mentally demanding but also needing fewer jobs. But I do enjoy your advive BTW especially with Brain Fog


Thanks a lot for even opening this channel. This world of memory atheletes is so underrated and malnourished.... Especially on you I love your channel


Thank you so much Mr White, your videos are so useful.


Thank you Ron ! I was about to study and you're video pops up.


This is so true! Don't give up! For those who struggle with focus- pomodoro technique helped me to study more effectively.


Thank you Sir 😇😇
You r amongst unique persons in this world


Thanks Ron. Very encouraging video for those who struggle. You show humility in sharing your difficulties, makes me feel as long as I don't give up, I can do it too. The key as you shared...don't give up. And you were 100 % right, I saw focus in the title and had to watch! Really really would very much like you to explain further the negative side effects of caffeine in another video, hopefully backed up by studies or scientific evidence.


We ADD’ers are the poster children for “Lack of Focus “ There’s many other life impairing traits with ADHD, but this is one of the major ones. Focus is worth expanding on Ron.


Thanks so much for this video 🙏 because I just decided to go back to school but having serious problem in focusing. I left college 8 years ago
