Dr. Jen discusses post-partum depression and psychosis

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ABC News' Dr. Jen Ashton discusses post-partum depression, psychosis and the signs you need to look for.

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It's very very sad and heartbreaking. It wasn't treated properly she needed hospital treatment fast.and now its too late. And the kids are gone .and the woman will never forgive herself when she is one day treated .she will now never recover .its a very sad story


Sleep deprivation and crazy hormones will make one insane. RIP angels, healing will be long for both husband and wife.


This doctor is saying PPP is not easily missed, yet Lindsay was seen countless times and not diagnosed as having either PPD or PPP. So obviously not a clear cut case of either as this doctor is also claiming.


This isn't okay idc what excuse they give her!


I just wanna say, I've experienced postpartum psychosis and unless any of you have, you have no right to speak badly about this woman. With that said- when I was having the many psychosis episodes that I did, I still knew where I was, I still knew my name, the year, the president, etc. To thus day those episodes still feel like they really happened. I never harmed anyone or myself, but it looks different for everyone. So, just because she could still spell things correctly and hold a conversation doesn't mean she meant to hurt those babies. Not justifying the murders, but it's not like she killed them to be with another man or something. This isn't a Diane Downs. She's not a monster, is what I'm saying.

My first child was 11 years ago, and I had postpartum depression. No psychosis, but the thoughts that went through my brain were dreadful. The thoughts of wanting to hurt my baby. It was scary. It lasted for several months. I was put on medication. It went away, and I was fine. Fast forward to 3 years ago when I had my 2nd child. I never had thoughts of hurting my baby this time. I just couldn't connect or bond with my baby. It didn't feel like my baby. I started having psychosis episodes. And because i was aware for most of my episodes, my husband thought i was playing around trying to be funny at first. So, it can easily go undetected by a loved one. My episodes weren't harmful in any way, but scary nonetheless.

It looks different for every mother, who is unfortunate enough to experience it.

I hate that she probably felt like she couldn't ask for help because she would be viewed as crazy and have her kids taken away from her. Because that's the society we live in. It's sad.


The Go Fund Me raised over $1 million for 'medical bills, funeral services, and legal help.' I understand the funeral services, but not the others.

The children have passed away and there's no need for Andrea Yates 2.0 to get the best lawyers.


Psychosis isn’t hard to miss. When I had it during a manic episode my mom could tell easily plus I ran away from her 3 times and wandered the streets in my pajamas then crossed a major bridge into another state. I abandoned my phone because I was convinced I was being tracked.

The events and her behavior leading up to the murder don’t indicate she was in a psychotic state.


People giving compassion, will you give the Same compassion and understanding to other mental disorders that lead people to kill innocent people?


She was a neonatal nurse of all people she would know that the voice wasn’t real.


Yes! So She didn’t want to kill her and her kids. Just terrible
