Quantum computing explained with a deck of cards | Dario Gil, IBM Research

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We are moving rapidly toward quantum computing. How does the technology work and what does it mean for our future? Scientist Dario Gil, VP of Science and Solutions at IBM, provides clarity on this complex topic. David Morczinek gives the introduction.

Dr. Gil is a leading technologist and senior executive at IBM. As Vice President of Science and Solutions of IBM Research, Dr. Gil directs a global organization of some 1,500 researchers across 11 laboratories. He has direct responsibility for IBM’s science agenda, with a broad portfolio of activities spanning the physical sciences, the mathematical sciences, healthcare and the life sciences. Dr. Gil is also responsible for IBM’s cognitive solutions research agenda, which aims to create scientific and technological breakthroughs to differentiate IBM’s solutions businesses and serves as an incubator for future cognitive industry solutions for IBM and its clients.
Prior to his current position, Dr. Gil was the Director of Symbiotic Cognitive Systems, where he led the creation of cognitive environments, highly interactive physical spaces designed to improve the quality of decision-making through always-on ambient intelligence. During his tenure he was responsible for the design and creation of three pioneering laboratories and experiential centers: the Cognitive Environments Laboratory, the IBM Research THINKLab and the IBM Watson Experience Center.

Dr. Gil is a passionate advocate of collaborative research business models and is the creator and Founding Director of two research consortia: the IBM Research Frontiers Institute and the Smarter Energy Research Institute. An expert in the field of nanofabrication, he led the team that built the world’s first microprocessor with immersion lithography in 2004.

Dr. Gil is a frequent speaker at business events, conferences (including TED), universities, research institutions and foundations. His research results have appeared in over 20 international journals and conferences, and he is the author of numerous patents. Dr. Gil is a member of the Future Trends Forum, the Industrial Advisory Group of the Institute of Photonic Sciences and an elected member of the IBM Academy of Technology. He received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering and computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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The only thing missing here is an actual EXPLANATION OF QUANTUM COMPUTING!!!!


Note to self -- read comments before watching video


Explained with a deck of cards... this didn't really happen for me. Maybe it's a quantum explanation - something can be explained and not explained at exactly the same time.


2017 was the 1st time I accessed the IBM quantum computer on the cloud. I was just messing around with the interface, but then IBM Quantum paired with The Coding School in 2020 to launch a training program for those who wanted to learn quantum computing. I joined, got certified, and now I'm actively doing my PhD work on quantum processor chip fabrication. IBM's effort to get learners involved in quantum computing work has really opened doors for many of us. I appreciate these talks. -Onri


This is literally the most complicated explanation I have ever heard on this topic.
EDIT: Oh, I see I am not alone.


Finally a detailed explanation! Now I understand why my retro encabulator was failing.


for the first time i understand someone when talking about Quantum computer...WOOOW!


An explanation within an explanation without an explanation


Yeah, No. He doesn't _explain_ anything with a deck of cards, he simply _asserts_ that a quantum computer could find a 'hidden' card much faster than an ordinary computer; that's it. No explanation of how that works.

Then he goes on to describe (poorly and superficially) how much better than a normal computer a quantum computer could be, and what they look like.

It's a puff for IBM, that's all.

The end.


Correct title: Quantum computing not explained


I can explain quantum computing in one sentence: "quantum computers will be able to solve some problems really quickly". Now you know how they work, you're welcome.


I gave this video a thumbs up. However, why not show us how the quantum computer solves selecting the queen card in one shot? Is it that difficult? It would have really made this presentation helpful.


He completely skips over the slide that explains Quantum computing. It flashes on screen for a tiny second and he completely bypasses it. What a joke!


Correct title: Classical computing explained with a deck of cards.


Commenters should watch this again. He does give a reason explanation. Rem that all quantum related subjects are outside of our sensory norms.


50+ years ago, equipped my high school diploma and a barely adequate understanding of electronic, IBM hired me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . When they first explained those computers to me I didn't get it. Eventually I got it. Now at age 75, armed with a half-baked familiarity with quantum mechanics, IBM to the rescue and again my light-of-understanding is starting to flicker. I'll keep trying. Thank you.


I wish I had read the comments first. That was no explanation. :-(


I expected him to describe how a quantum computer would resolve the card problem in just one cycle, when he jumped to another subject. And why is he talking about exponents of 2 if qubits have 3 states?


_”The thing that differinciates scientists is purely an artistic ability to discern what is a lucrative grant idea, what is a beautiful lucrative grant idea, what grant is worth spending time on, and most importantly, what is a problem that is sufficiently profitable, yet sufficiently difficult, that it hasn’t yet been deem non grant-worthy.”_


Correction - Quantum computing "described", not explained.
