Geometry vs geography #postgis #gis #postgresql
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I'm a full-stack web GIS developer, and I love sharing my knowledge especially with people who are enthusiastic about GIS but don't know how to get into coding. If you are one of those follow my youtube channel where I keep uploading full-length GIS development videos.
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I'm a full-stack web GIS developer, and I love sharing my knowledge especially with people who are enthusiastic about GIS but don't know how to get into coding. If you are one of those follow my youtube channel where I keep uploading full-length GIS development videos.
If you liked this video and want to learn complete web gis development right from HTML all the way to create these awesome applications, Do check out my course on udemy at :
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Geometry vs geography #postgis #gis #postgresql
Gis: Geography type vs Geometry type for PostGIS intersections and other calculations
GIS: spatialite geometry vs PostGIS geography
GIS: What are the pros and cons of PostGIS geography and geometry types? (4 Solutions!!)
GIS: Geometry vs geography vs spheroid for polygon-contains-point (PostgreSQL) (2 Solutions!!)
GIS: Postgis: intersection between geometry and geography
GIS: SQL Server geometry vs. geography in Esri map service
GIS: PostGIS: Geography to geometry, best projection and architecture
Gis: geometry vs geography for distance measurement and large dataset
GIS: Understanding geography, geometry, distance and wkt in PostGIS (3 Solutions!!)
GIS: PostGIS Geometric V Geography measurements when using ST_Length
GIS: Change PostGIS Column from Geometry to Geography
GIS: PostGIS - Geometry or Geography find points within distance in meters
GIS: PostGIS geography intersect slower than geometry intersect (2 Solutions!!)
GIS: Converting from Geography to Geometry data type in PostGIS? (2 Solutions!!)
How I Would Learn GIS (If I Had To Start Over)
A classification of POST GIS functions
PostGIS Lesson 9 - Working with Geometries in PostGIS
GIS: Geometry vs geography for line-to-polygon intersection (3 Solutions!!)
GIS: How to cast Geometry to Geography in PostGIS/Postgres with sqlalchemy + geoalchemy?
FASTEST Way to Learn Modern GIS and ACTUALLY Get a Job
GIS: Out of range error when converting from geometry to geography in PostGIS
PostGIS Spatial Tricks
GIS: Simple PostGIS ST_Distance query for two points from the same geometry table?