I cycled across Cornwall 🚲 | Land's End to Bath in 7 days

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In October, I cycled from Land's End to Bath (that's Cornwall, Devon and Somerset) in 7 days and brought you along with me! It was my biggest cycling challenge yet and the most wonderful break. More bikepacking adventure cycling to come!

Where I stayed:

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Dear Rosianna,
I never comment on your videos for some reason but this one made me cried a few times, mostly from freedom of leaving, moments of chosen solitude and breathing the world. The quotes you chose were real "soul-mending", and fitted perfectly with the beautiful scenery you were filming. Thank you so much for this delightful video !


i am less than 10 minutes in but i am enjoying this. the flow is just nice


Gracias por compartir esta aventura con nosotrxs, q bien q pudiste salir y disfrutar ❣️


I have family in the Isles of Scilly & I used to take that sleeper train every summer and catch an early flight. I don't know why I suddenly was reminded of your channel, Rosianna, but I'm catching up on the videos I missed and this made my heart feel lots of things. Thank you x


I could smell, taste, and feel this video. Reminded me of summer holidays from a million years ago and it’s comforting to see that it looks the same. Was like stepping into a book - I loved the literary references punctuated throughout ☺️

Side note: the scenery reminded me so much of the book ‘The Salt Path’ by Raynor Winn!


I have been a silent watcher for years (you were still in high school) and i never commented but i have to say, this video was something special. It made me escape reality for a while and i felt like i was by the sea, too. Thank you. I hope you’ll have more wonderful adventures in the future to share with us :)


Rosiana, thank you for this delightful video! It brought me so much joy and hope that a woman was able to explore the great outdoors without worrying too much about her safety. It really does leave so much hope for the world at large. Stay brilliant and be well, my friend! <3


I had saved this video for a day where I really needed some escapism and have just watched whilst painting postcards and it was precisely what I needed. I really enjoyed the scrapbook style with the quotes alongside and it's reminded me to reread Circe and to add the Children's Bible to my to read list. Such a lovely video, thank you!


Came here from John's recommendation a few weeks ago. I'm only 8 minutes in but this is just gorgeous. Completely agree with other comments about the flow and relaxation too. Thank you for this.


This is so beautiful! Weird to say I teared up at parts? It’s so nice to see the combination of the things I’ve been missing during covid times- train stations, new places, vacationing - intertwined with the things I’ve now been learning to appreciate - landscapes, nature, quiet and wind, empty and beautiful days.


Thank you much for this trip, Rosianna.

I was born in Devon (Connecticut, here in the States, part of Milford). I have cycled through Cornwall, (again in Connecticut).

Again thank you for the lovely trip.


This was so beautiful and relaxing to watch!
If you have the energy and inclination to, the planner in me would love a video on the logistics of how you planned everything and how you decided what to bring. It looks like you opted for a backpack rather than panniers? Did you choose your bike specifically for long haul rides?


John Green sent me here. Absolutely lovely video. Subscribed! Can't wait to check out more of your thoughtful and well-edited content.


when I tell you this was on my list of most anticipated premieres of 2020... I’ve been thinking about this trip weekly ever since you posted your instagram stories. I’m so glad you filmed it!

hope I get the chance to do a trip of my own like this someday! might have to be in New England though


Oooh what a wonderful video. Thank you so much for sharing it! Hope you are well!


What a lovely video! I will save this to rewatch for when I need some calm!


I’m going home tonight after spending three weeks with my family over the holidays. I know I’m so lucky I was able to spend this time with them after not seeing them since last Christmas, but I’m feeling very sad and have been holding back tears all day while packing. I’m saving this video for tomorrow when I’m back in my apartment and am glad to have something to look forward to with a good cup of tea!


Rewatching this video when the long COVID fatigue is weighing heavily on my legs and I'm missing nature and all my family in Cornwall. Thank you for the poetry and the bird song, it's healing even through a screen.
P.S. if you haven't read The Salt Path yet I hugely urge you to x


Thank you so much for sharing this adventure online. It was very soothing to watch. x


Rosianna, now that you have conquered Lands End to Bath you will easily slay LEJOG. My wife and I rode LEJOG in 2018 and thoroughly enjoy the scenery, people and the experience. I loved watching your video, it brought back memory wonderful memories and I very much look forward to more riding experiences in the UK.
