All 50 States BattleRoyale! - (USA)

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What if instead of removing the states that are eliminated from the wheel, you instead replaced them with their conquerer, so gaining more land makes a state more powerful and not *just* more vulnerable


"I love how Massachusetts has 2 states, yet it's still smaller than... two balls in negative temperatures."💀💀💀😭💀😭💀😭💀😭


I honestly think half the judgment calls he makes are to make people mad.


His home state loses

Me: L that sucks

Next turn, my home state Illinois gets invaded

Me: (._.)


Here's some insight on how terrible Idaho has been doing during this series, and also some information on the states in general (data collected by a proud Washingtonian :D) (the episode numbers are based on publication date)
Through all 9 episodes of the USA States Battle Royale:
> Delaware has the most kills - 19, followed by Wisconsin with 18, and Washington with 16 is in third. Idaho has 2 kills, which is 50th (last) place
> Giving 50 points to the winner of each episode, 49 to second place, etc., Alaska is in first place, with 322 points total over the 9 episodes. The rest of the top 10 is filled out by Oregon (316), Delaware (315), Rhode Island (305), Washington (304), Vermont (302), Maine (290), Utah (290), North Carolina (289), and Nebraska (284). Idaho has 135 points, for 49th place, beating out Texas (123).

> The only states that have won twice are Hawaii and Nevada
> There are 6 states that have made the top 3 twice, namely Oregon (ep 5 and 9), Maine (ep 2 and 3), Nebraska (ep 6 and 9), Hawaii (ep 3 and 7), New Hampshire (ep 4 and 7), and Nevada (ep 2 and 4)
> The only state to get last place twice is Illinois, in ep 2 and 8
> The only state that has killed the same state 5 times is Delaware, killing New Jersey 5 times (in ep 1, 2, 4, 5, and 9). Idaho has been killed by Washington 4 times
> Idaho is the only state that has never placed in the top 25, even Texas got 13th in the 6th episode. It has gotten very close though, placing 26th in the 6th and 8th episodes and 27th in the 7th
> Other rivalries: NY has killed NJ 0 times, while NJ has killed NY 2 times. NC has killed SC 3 times, while SC has also killed NC 3 times. ND has killed SD 1 time, and SD has killed ND 2 times.
> The highest-scoring state that has also gotten last place is Maine, getting last place in ep 4 but still tying for 7th place.
> The lowest-scoring state that has also gotten first place is Nevada, which has actually won twice, but did terribly otherwise, leaving it in 25th place with 228 points.
> The states whose scores have the largest standard deviation (basically the states with the most variation in their performance) are Nevada (18.15), South Carolina (16.40), and Maine (15.77)

I am not 100% confident that the data is completely accurate, there might be a few mistakes here and there
I'll post the spreadsheet link if anyone wants it (it's a really badly made spreadsheet lol)


The fact is that for a half of the video oregon was silent, but in the end, it rose up and defeated every other state.


You should do a version of this where you replace the arrow with the same wheel you use to choose the attacker. You'll probably have to use a lot of colors and deal with detached borders, but it would be genuinely fair and no state would have an advantage over another due to geography


Other states when they die: Rest in peace
When South Dakota dies: Rest in pain


you should follow the arrows direction from the states capital so there wont be confusion of which state it hits


3:56 California died and I was rooting for that state


idaho dying second is karma for georgia dying first


Me:let’s go Georgia. 5 seconds later. Alabama takes out Georgia


Driving 17 hours to Panama City Florida from New Jersey tommarrow


This might be our first Respin *when he already had to twice*


Fun fact: The Simpsons' Springfield is located in Oregon, while North Carolina is home to MrBeast (spoilers ahead, click read more to see them)

It's funny how they *both* made it to the top 2, and The Simpsons (aka the Time Travelers due to some events in the Simpson's world being real.) won against the philanthropist "beast"


I feel like you should do this event but states can revolt if they get eliminated and can come back and spin. Also it would be cool if you could add alliances and stuff.


Missouri is MO… it’s not that sad. Even though it is nicknamed Misery


POV: Your favorite series is back
1:07: I take it back


As an Alaskan born Arizonan, i don’t know what to say or feel.


2:28 everyone from Massachusetts screaming to give them New York
