Oakland Landlord Has Filed Over 3,000 Eviction Notices

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An Oakland landlord who has filed over 3,000 eviction notices since 2008 says the city is to blame, not him. Emily Turner reports. (10/31/16)
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Most of the time I evict someone it is not for being behind in the rent but engaging in disruptive or violent behavior late at night as a result of drug or alcohol abuse. You need to evict these bad tenants to protect your good tenants and let them get sleep so they can go to work or school in the morning.


Honestly....if he owns over 1000 properties...3000 notices in 8 years doesn't sound that bad.


That lady is purposely misrepresenting the meaning of an eviction.


Wow. It's up to the city? No one ever wants to take responsibility. Get a job, pay your bills, and be decent! It's not up to the government to fix you. It's up to you to fix yourself. Take some initiative!


Pay your rent and follow rules, no landlord will evict you 👍🏻


When you make your state a refuge for people who don't obey the law, it should not surprise you that the owner has to use legal force to make them pay their rent. People who are entitled to ignore federal law will feel entitled to live rent free as well.


btw he must be taking his job serious... there's a ton of dope heads messing things up


Landlords don't evict people who are nice, quiet, paying tenants. If he's evicting that many, there's probably a reason.


wait so a land lord is not being a slum lord... he cant force people not to be rude and cant force them to pay.. hell my land lord is trying to evict a person who thinks its funny to pull fire alarms in the middle of the night.. this is in MA. its impossible to evict the person because no one was injured... even if it causes no sleep and lack of peace.


now as he said he has to do a notice on non payment and it falls under an eviction notice. a normal thing but its not an eviction its more of an official way to remind the person to pay rent. lets say it was 6 years worth of data. 1000 properties/units and 3000 evictions. so 3000/1000= 3 notices per unit. /6 = .5 notices per unit year.. that's one notice per unit every 2 years... or 3000/144 months that's 20.83 notices every month... lets round it to 21 notices every month. /1000= 0.021 or 2.1% of units he owns getting some notice per month... figure one unit for that 2 years did not pay on time once. that's 24 notices. over 6 years that's 144 notices. this is assuming they are all month to month. not week to week units. give a noise complaint to a tenant that's a notice to evict. notice of no smoking in the building that's a notice to evict. all this tells me is he is doing his paperwork and staying on top of it... you need to break it down for the reasons for the notices. the number to me looks a little low. the numbers do not add up. even when you go very hard in the lets round to the worst case numbers... and worst assumptions... add any detail to that number and its dead in the and figure he has 1000+-50 units they never said how many years they had of data. they would not have every years normally you cant get the current year and for the first 3 months of the year the previous year. so it could be 6-8 years worth of data... 3000+- eviction notices we don't know the real data they never gave it. or sources. this is bad news reporting... this is low quality reporting and low IQ level work.


If the tenant does not follow the terms of the contract, he/she should be removed from the property as soon as possible. most landlords have to pay mortgages and other fees for their properties and they don't have much room to play. its ridiculous that there is a law that buys time for some irresponsible tenants and does not protect the landlord.


He has every rite to evict tenants I hate people like this snotty little young lady when people don't pay he has that right he has to pay property tax and maintence


You can't count 3-day notices as an eviction. Those are notices to pay your rent or face eviction. Seems to me that this lady and organization is out to make an example of this person. I want to know, from those 3000 notices to pay rent, how many matriculated to actual eviction proceedings, and actual evictions? Bet the number is FAR, FAR below 3K.


Why do they consider a three day notice to pay rent considered an eviction!!?? Call it what it is. It IS NOT an eviction


Pay your rent and you won't get evicted.


He has too much money if he can afford 1, 000 houses . There should be a ceiling of owning only 3 houses per person and have rent control ...


What are they going to do with all these People including millions of illegals? The President enemies cannot put him first in tragedies like this one..I am one of the People but thousands have been affected for years...


I remember that building from the thumbnail. I lived on Lagunitas over by Five Points. Loved living there off Lake Merritt.


It's his property he can do whatever he wants


He's a bloody Control Freak!! 😨😨
