Azure Search OpenAI Demo - DIY Microsoft AI chatbot with bring-your-own-data | Unscripted Coding

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Can you create an AI chatbot that can understand and reference documents you give it? Maybe you have a textbook you're reading or you have a business and want to feed into it all your policies. Azure has a demo chatbot called Azure Search OpenAI that you can deploy easily. It leverages OpenAI services and Cognitive Search to fetch relevant information from your data.

Unscripted Coding is entirely unscripted and organic. If you're looking for a tutorial, you're in the wrong place! What we do here is try and build something from scratch, filled with all the mistakes and lessons learned along the way!

Total Time: 25 minutes

Run in Powershell (as admin): Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
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Hi, i got this error, is there another way to install it ...
cd ../frontend;npm install;npm run build
| ~~~
| The term 'npm' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program. Check the
| spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.


you are the goat my friend. thank u for the thorough walkthrough


what if I want to build chat boot which is combination of both one from your previous video (Green Chat boot) and current one in this video, how you would do it?


Thank you for the demo!, we were actually developing an app with OpenAI Chatbot, is this possible to put this inside our app?


Thanks for the demo - I am getting the following error - The subscription does not have QuotaId/Feature required by SKU 'S0' from kind 'OpenAI' or contains blocked QuotaId/Feature. (Code:

Everything is installed except the openai piece - I have installed the API key etc


Great demo! I have a question, Is this solution similar to the Preview feature in Azure OpenAI when we can connect to data sources and deploy an Azure App Service directly in the Azure OpenAI studio?


I like your new front end that you created - would you be able to do a demo as to how you did that ?
