Bosna i Hercegovina - Vodopad Veliki Movran (Bosnia & Herzegovina - Waterfall Veliki Movran)
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Vodopad Veliki Movran je najviši vodopad u Bosni i Hercegovini a isto tako jedan od najviših u Evropi. To je sezonski vodopad koji se pojavljuje jednom ili dva puta godišnje, i nestaje veoma brzo poslije dan ili dva. Nalazi se na južnim padinama planine Čvrsnice u blizini mjesta Drežnica, koje je udaljeno 30 km od Mostara prema sjeveru. Po podacima, vodopad je visok između 395, pa do 584 metra, zavisno od načina računjanja visine vodopada i šta se uračunava u sam vodopad.
"Navečer te zove saučesnik u sutrašnjoj potrazi za nečim što dugo iščekuješ, i javlja ti radosnu vijest da se Movran probudio. Sav si uzbuđen, kao malo dijete koje zna da će dobiti poklon pa poskakuje u mjestu. Ustaješ rano ujutro, zorom. Sastaješ se sa drugom i krećeš u avanturu. Ideš da vidiš nešto što malo ko ima priliku vidjeti. Već po dolasku u Drežnicu, mjesto sa čijeg se kraja može vidjeti vodopad, bivaš ubijeđen zašto baš ti ljudi i samo oni, imaju tu sreću da se bude uz zvuk koji stvara sam vodopad udarajući o stijene. Vozeći se kroz mjesto, skoro sve ijedan mještanin koji je bio napolju pored puta nas je nasmijano pozdravljao rukom, pa čak i oni u drugim vozilima s kojima smo se mimoilazili, iako nas prvi put vide u prolazu vozilom. Njihova ljubaznost ti dan već čini ispunjenim, iako su ti misli i dalje okupirane onim poklonom. Dolaziš na kraj mjesta i gore u daljini vidiš borbu vode sa stijenama. Dalje, jednostavo uživaš, riječi su nepotrebne."
(English) Veliki Movran Waterfall is the highest waterfall in Bosnia and Herzegovina and also one of the highest in Europe. It is a seasonal waterfall that occurs once or twice a year,and disappears very quickly after a day or two. It is located on the southern slopes of Mount Cvrsnica near Dreznica, which is 30 km away from Mostar to the north. According to the data, the waterfall is between 395 and 584 meters high, depending on how the height of the waterfall is calculated and what is included in the waterfall itself.
"In the evening, an accomplice in tomorrow's search for something you have been waiting for, calls you and he tells you the good news that Movran has woken up.You get up early in the morning at dawn. You meet your friend and go to adventure.You're going to see something few people have a chance to see. Upon arrival in Dreznica, the place from which the waterfall can be seen, you are convinced why it is these people, and only they, are fortunate to wake up with the sound that the waterfall creates by hitting the rocks. While driving through the village, almost every local resident out of the road smiled at us and waved with his hand, even those in other vehicles we passed by, and they saw us passing by for the first time. Their kindness already makes your day fulfilled, even though your thoughts are still occupied with that gift. You come to the end of the place and up in the distance you see the water fighting with the rocks. Further, you simply enjoy, words are unnecessary. "
Bosna i Hercegovina je prelijepa zemlja sa prirodom koja oduzima dah i daje vam mogućnost za mnoštvo aktivnosti. Tekstovima, slikama, snimcima i ostalim sadržajima ćemo pokušati približiti sve te ljepote vama, pomoći njihovom očuvanju i promociji. Cilj je svima predstaviti ono najbolje iz Bosne i Hercegovine i omogućiti što većem broju ljudi da bude dio svega toga.
(English) Bosnia and Herzegovina is a beautiful country with the breathtaking nature that gives you the possibility for a plenty of activities. With photos, videos, texts and other content we will try to bring closer all this beauty to you, and to help its preservation and promotion. The aim is to present all the best of Bosnia and Herzegovina and make available as many people to be a part of it.
"Navečer te zove saučesnik u sutrašnjoj potrazi za nečim što dugo iščekuješ, i javlja ti radosnu vijest da se Movran probudio. Sav si uzbuđen, kao malo dijete koje zna da će dobiti poklon pa poskakuje u mjestu. Ustaješ rano ujutro, zorom. Sastaješ se sa drugom i krećeš u avanturu. Ideš da vidiš nešto što malo ko ima priliku vidjeti. Već po dolasku u Drežnicu, mjesto sa čijeg se kraja može vidjeti vodopad, bivaš ubijeđen zašto baš ti ljudi i samo oni, imaju tu sreću da se bude uz zvuk koji stvara sam vodopad udarajući o stijene. Vozeći se kroz mjesto, skoro sve ijedan mještanin koji je bio napolju pored puta nas je nasmijano pozdravljao rukom, pa čak i oni u drugim vozilima s kojima smo se mimoilazili, iako nas prvi put vide u prolazu vozilom. Njihova ljubaznost ti dan već čini ispunjenim, iako su ti misli i dalje okupirane onim poklonom. Dolaziš na kraj mjesta i gore u daljini vidiš borbu vode sa stijenama. Dalje, jednostavo uživaš, riječi su nepotrebne."
(English) Veliki Movran Waterfall is the highest waterfall in Bosnia and Herzegovina and also one of the highest in Europe. It is a seasonal waterfall that occurs once or twice a year,and disappears very quickly after a day or two. It is located on the southern slopes of Mount Cvrsnica near Dreznica, which is 30 km away from Mostar to the north. According to the data, the waterfall is between 395 and 584 meters high, depending on how the height of the waterfall is calculated and what is included in the waterfall itself.
"In the evening, an accomplice in tomorrow's search for something you have been waiting for, calls you and he tells you the good news that Movran has woken up.You get up early in the morning at dawn. You meet your friend and go to adventure.You're going to see something few people have a chance to see. Upon arrival in Dreznica, the place from which the waterfall can be seen, you are convinced why it is these people, and only they, are fortunate to wake up with the sound that the waterfall creates by hitting the rocks. While driving through the village, almost every local resident out of the road smiled at us and waved with his hand, even those in other vehicles we passed by, and they saw us passing by for the first time. Their kindness already makes your day fulfilled, even though your thoughts are still occupied with that gift. You come to the end of the place and up in the distance you see the water fighting with the rocks. Further, you simply enjoy, words are unnecessary. "
Bosna i Hercegovina je prelijepa zemlja sa prirodom koja oduzima dah i daje vam mogućnost za mnoštvo aktivnosti. Tekstovima, slikama, snimcima i ostalim sadržajima ćemo pokušati približiti sve te ljepote vama, pomoći njihovom očuvanju i promociji. Cilj je svima predstaviti ono najbolje iz Bosne i Hercegovine i omogućiti što većem broju ljudi da bude dio svega toga.
(English) Bosnia and Herzegovina is a beautiful country with the breathtaking nature that gives you the possibility for a plenty of activities. With photos, videos, texts and other content we will try to bring closer all this beauty to you, and to help its preservation and promotion. The aim is to present all the best of Bosnia and Herzegovina and make available as many people to be a part of it.