OCR Training: Towel pull-ups for grip strength
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Purpose: This advanced exercise increases your grip strength, and trains your upper back just like narrow grip pull-ups with the added benefit of working out your forearms.
Equipment: Something like a towel or a rope or a GripSling + a pull-up bar or a tree branch or a goal post (anything you can throw the towel over)
Execution: From a dead hang, pull yourself all the way up and move your head out of the way so you don't hit the bar. Pause at the top for 1 sec with your shoulders being on the same height as your hands or above them. Slowly lower yourself all the way down. Pause at the bottom in a dead hang for 1 sec. This completes one rep.
If you can't do full pull-ups, just do a dead hang while holding on to the towel instead to increase your grip strength. Work your way up to keeping your arms locked at 90 degrees, as shown at the end of the video and hold that position as long as you can.