Animate Any Object Along Custom Path in After Effects | Tutorial

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Looking to make your objects have their own custom path Animation in After Effects? Creating a custom path for any graphic or object is super simple. All you need to do in After Effects is select the pen tool. Then create any path that you like to have. You can create a curvy path or something completely out of the box. Then by copying and pasting the custom path, your object will follow your line.
Here's the breakdown from the Tutorial:
1. Select the pen tool.
2. Create a custom stroke path with the pen tool.
3. Copy the path.
4. Paste the path data into the position value of your graphic.
5. Go to Layer - Transitions - Auto Orient.
6. Change the rotation of your graphic to fit perfectly.
And in a few easy steps, you can your own custom Path for any object inside of After Effects.
Save time and produce amazing work with our Extension Window that allows you to preview templates in After Effects and Premiere. Then quickly change your template within seconds to fit your needs!
#aftereffects #sonduckfilm #motiongraphics
Here's the breakdown from the Tutorial:
1. Select the pen tool.
2. Create a custom stroke path with the pen tool.
3. Copy the path.
4. Paste the path data into the position value of your graphic.
5. Go to Layer - Transitions - Auto Orient.
6. Change the rotation of your graphic to fit perfectly.
And in a few easy steps, you can your own custom Path for any object inside of After Effects.
Save time and produce amazing work with our Extension Window that allows you to preview templates in After Effects and Premiere. Then quickly change your template within seconds to fit your needs!
#aftereffects #sonduckfilm #motiongraphics
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