Homemade Fermented Hot Sauce + Chicken Wings

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Sea Buckthorn and Pumpkin Spiced Fermented Hot Sauce (tongue twister that is)

Ingredients: (Use this as a guide, I encourage you to experiment)
- Sea buckthorn berries (approx 200g) (substitute any berry that is in season)
- Roasted pumpkin (approx 300g) (substitute any fruit that is in season)
- 5 yellow scotch bonnet chillies
- 5 red Thai chillies
- 4-5 cloves
- A stick of cinnamon (removed after a couple of days)
- A small knob of ginger chopped and smashed
- A spoonful or 2 of fermented garlic honey (see the previous post for instruction)
- Filtered water
- Non-iodised salt (2% brine)

- First, weigh your clean jar (sterilised if you want to be extra cautious).
- Chop and roast the pumpkin for 30-40 minutes.
- Put all the ingredients, except for the salt, into the jar, making sure there’s enough water to submerge everything.
- Weigh the jar again, and deduct the weight of the jar to get your total ingredient weight.
- Work out 2% of the total weight, and add in that amount of salt (total weight x 0.02 = how much salt you need)
I like to pour a bit of the water out into a jug, then add the salt to the jug, it’s much easier to dissolve the salt that way.
- Pour your salty water back in.
- Add a zip lock bag full of filtered water on top - this is to keep the contents submerged under the brine.
- Close up the jar and leave for a week or 2 at room temperature, out of direct sunlight, until the ferment slows and fewer bubbles are being produced. Also wise to set a plate or something underneath to catch any liquid that might escape the seal due to the pressure.

- Make sure to open your jar once or twice a day to allow your ferment to “burp” and release excess pressure (it produces co2)!
- When it’s ready, I left mine for two weeks, strain out the liquid and add it to a food processor.
- Process until desired consistency, adding back some of the fermenting brine to thin out as needed.
- Pass through a fine sieve to catch any seeds or larger solids.
- Have a taste to see if it needs any further seasoning - I added some extra salt, sugar, and a spoonful of garlic honey.
- Bottle and store in the fridge for up to a couple of months (although I’d be happy leaving it a lot longer - trust your nose).

Homemade Hot Sauce Chicken Wings:

- A dozen chicken wings.
- 50g Potato flour.
- 50g AP/Plain flour
- generous pinch of MSG
- 50g butter (this is a rough estimate)
- 200g hot sauce (again, rough estimate, adjust depending on the consistency of your hot sauce, and how buttery you want it)
- 1.5ltr Oil for frying

- If your wings are whole, trim off the wingtips and separate the drum from the flat as demonstrated in the video.
- Toss together with your flours and MSG.
- Heat your oil to 160 Celsius or 320 Fahrenheit.
- Fry for 3-4 minutes, or until very lightly brown. Keep checking your oil temperature.
- Remove wings and drain on a wire rack.
- Heat your oil to 190 Celsius or 375 Fahrenheit.
- Fry wings for a second time until lightly golden brown or when the bubbles slow down.
- Remove wings and drain on a wire rack.
- Add some of your hot sauce to a saucepan on low heat.
- Slowly stir in small knobs of butter until you reach your desired result (I used about 30g).
- Toss wings with your sauce, serve and enjoy!
Рекомендации по теме

I just can't get over the fact that your videos always seem like the end of a 3h movie. A deep routed meaning that only reveals itself at the very end. Top notch audio and camera work. Just love how everything comes together so smoothly. Can't wait for the next one :)


Thank you for sharing a longer video showing the whole process. It's wonderful to see the outcome of your hard work from a few months ago.

I noticed you put the fermentation liquid in a sealed jar. How will you used it? I can imagine it's like liquid gold with all the flavour it's absorbed.


This channel is gorgeous. You deserve 1M+ suscribers. Crazy to think people is sleeping on this.


Awesome work, Val! Love this video, the VO and cinematography. You are an artist, my friend 🙌 Now I want chicken wings and hot sauce for breakfast! 🤤 (it’s only 515a here)


These videos are like food for the soul


Incredible video. Looks absolutely delicious


A lesson taught from a cooking video. Amazing


What wonderfully put together video! Love the monologue, the cinematography, and of course the food looks amazing too!


Hey! You! Quit trying to make me feel good feelings about cooking! Gordon Ramsay told me it's a miserable slog, and that I can only become great at it by being verbally abused for years by miserable bastards!


This was so enjoyable, from start to finish! (Even though I was jealous at how good they looked)


This looks amazing. I would pay good money for this


Perfect atmosphere for me watch your content today. Thank you for the constant reminder to slow down and enjoy the process


I love this video, it's so calm like if I meditated during it. Also want to know the name of tracks you using in this video. Thank you.


Video after video I'm still in love the peace that comes out of your videos. Great work


the narrative looks like a wise man that told me about the meaning of "process". Love your narrative, seems like you thinking abt it alot in your videos.


This was very nice and enjoyable video, can't wait for the next one.


Hello, Val. Greetings from Semarang, Indonesia. 🇮🇩 Thank you for making great videos so that people can enlightened to do something for a better life. May you always be happy and healthy. Can't wait for your next videos, oh, i mean your next short films.


I love the mood you set with the music and the monologue. The delicious food is the bonus!

Thank you for the healing💐


what camera you use? would like to know!


I am happy to have found you on tiktok today. Finally, I feel homely.
