4 Things I Learned Finishing a New Script

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So I recently finished up a new draft of a screenplay that I've been working on and it got me thinking about how I write and where my trouble spots are. So today I want to talk about some of the things I struggle with as a writer, and talk about why it's so important that you focus on finishing your scripts rather than learning more story theory.

Instagram: @mowery

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You are really skilled at what you do and I have a lot to learn from you as an aspiring filmmaker. Thank you


I just finished the first draft of my 4th script a little over a week ago and you are 100% spot on on everything. Especially number 2 - in my previous efforts I often wanted to correct myself before the script was finished and it always took me longer. The 3rd one I wrote took me 3 months to finish the first draft, and this last one only took me about a month. Also the 3rd one’s spot on as well, I took a day off writing and coming back to it felt so difficult. Much much better to just hammer through the bad pages and get something done than to just sit and think about it


Man you are really helpful. My films and scripts got better since I started watching you.


Those four points just hit the nail on the head. Thanks so much, man. I realized my clicking the video was me procrastinating but the eventual learning turned that into problem-solving.


Awesome tips.
I'm on the umpteenth rewrite of a short film script, and I feel that *#2* has been a big part in my struggle with the script. I've changed the film title half a dozen times, and the ending a few times. And I realize that much of that has happened because I reread previous pages before I've even completed the first draft. From this I realize that I'm better off focusing on completing the first draft before I start viewing it under a microscope.

Regarding #3, I know that procrastination has always been a problem of mine. In the case of screenwriting, I can now see how my procrastination has come on the heels of times when I _think_ I'm problem solving.

*Number 4* makes total sense, because I have been thinking that getting through and completing my first short film script will not only help me on future scripts, but, as you said, I will come to understand myself and my own process along the way.

Thanks so much for this video. It has been a huge help for me. Happy subscriber here. :)


I look forward to each of your videos, man. Learn so much when you share about your process. Really respect your opinions.


u have no idea how much help u are giving man to all of us. God bless you for your service


I can't wait for you to sell your first script so I can brag about knowing about you from the old youtube days.


Yes! Whenever I go back and read it halts me so much because most of the time I see how I can reword dialogue or take a scene in a different direction. Best to leave that level of revision to the actual revision stage lol.


I've literally changed my lifestyle massively cause of watching your videos. I've always had a passion for film, but never for the process that goes into it. I'm now just focused on writing story's and reading them to learn the the essential manual to shoot film.


I actually found your channel when I decided to make a short film. I am not much of a reader and dont have a lot of ideas on how to write a story, but I'm more of a visual guy. Short films, films engage me more. But now I'm more motivated to actually challenge myself and actually write. Thank you! Keep up the good work 👍


This channel is hella useful for upcomers


I'm a new fan but these videos are amazing! I'm 17 and writing my first short film I'm making right now and your videos have really helped me get over some roadblocks on the way!


Yes, I always try to push past to new pages and don’t look back until I’ve completed that first draft


Watched "The Hunt" today. I have to admit, the story concept is ironic and interesting. The scene where Crystal gets fired (at about an hour) is a flashback but really the reason for the entire story, and the dialogue there explains the point of the movie.


Another good video sharing your advice. Thanks, and keep up the good work.


Quarantine has been a blessing in disguise for me. I’ve gotten a lot of drafts done and have made good progress


Your videos are so helpful! You think you could make a video on planning a long story like a trilogy or a saga? Maybe advice on a sequel?


I remember in 2019, I staryed writing my first ever draft. Then after about two months I left it and completed it on March of this year. Nearly 6 months.

After that I went on a freelancing site and statyed working as a freelancer. There I got my first film order and I wrote the film in nearly 10 days, with editing.

Currently I got another thriller to work on, but the topic and idea didnt match with me, but I took on it wanting to learn from it and grow. Since I've started writing it beleive me, it feels good now. Because now I can see what I'm doing. I know the customer might not like it much but still I'm learning and liking the process. So much so that I'm even writing 20 pages a day.

1. Its better to be accountable to someone. Have a deadline.

2. Jist start writing.

3. A not so good screenplay is better than never ever starting.

4. Removing distractions is a huge saver.


thanks for make me more skillfull on the issue of script writing
