BRITISH FAMILY REACTS! Pentatonix - The Sound of Silence!

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Aidan, Gaynor and Sophie react to Pentatonix for the first time and listen to their version of The Sound of Silence.

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Pentatonix from left to right:
Matt - bass
Kirstin/Kirsie (rhymes with Thurston/thirsty) - mezzo soprano
Scott - baritone (covers the bass line when the bass is singing a solo)
Mitch - high tenor/countertenor (Italian, not Mexican, LOL!)
Kevin - beatboxer

Matt is the only non-original member of the group - he joined in late 2017/early 2018 after the original bass Avi left the group for personal and family reasons in 2017.
The three in the middle (Kirstin, Scott, Mitch) all grew up in the same city, went to high school together and sang in choir, but have actually known each other since they were kids due to musical theater performances.
Kevin may be the most amazing person in the whole group. He has perfect pitch, has played both cello and saxophone at Carnegie Hall while a teenager, has a nice tenor voice and an amazing falsetto, speaks multiple languages (including Mandarin, from living in China for 18 months as an exchange student), and created "cello-boxing" - beatboxing while simultaneously playing the cello.


If you want to hear GREAT beat boxing, and beautiful singing try Bohemian Rhapsody. Really you can't go wrong with ANY Pentatonix song.


Second from the right is Mitch and you really have to see their other videos to get the full view of his voice because he is a counter tenor and can sing high notes like a Soprano. His vocal range is very impressive.


PTX live is amazing. The three in the center knew each other around 8-9 years old and sang in choir. The two black guys were added later. Beat boxer was added a few weeks before they went on the Sing Off. The original bass was added the day before. White shirt was added in 2018 after the original bass had to leave.


The three in the middle went to high school together in Texas and were friends. They needed a beatboxer and went on YouTube and found Kevin who was a pre-med student at Yale ( one of the top US universities) and a principal cellist of the Yale Symphony Orchestra. He speaks multiple languages including Mandarin Chinese. They had another bass singer until recently when he went solo and they replaced him with Matt.


You need to do their first Grammy Award winner - Daft Punk Medley. Also, Havana, Amazing Grace.


Bohemian Rhapsody, Aha Singapore Live- to showcase Mitch's talent, are amazing!


The BEST Pentatonix song is Hallelujah. Honestly life changing!! I promise


Pentatonix.... brilliant... amazing.. just incredible singers! So glad they are so successful. I met Scott and he was so nice and humble. My oldest son did theater with Scott's cousin. That's how I got to meet him. I'll never forget that day. It was Christmas Eve at church in Arlington, Texas. Scott was so cool. He deserves the success! May Pentatonix live forever!


Thank you for reacting to Pentatonix. They are my favorite! I never get tired of hearing them. It wouldn't break my heart one bit if you reacted to several of their songs. Lol! Hallelujah, The Prayer, Amazing Grace, Mary did you know, Bohemian Rhapsody is really good as well. Well I've never heard anything that they have sang that wasn't amazing.


Kirstins voice blows me rings through the entire song. Their Daft Punk Medley is simply stunning.


You need to hear them sing amazing grace! So beautiful!


I think that you need to listen to PTX's performance of "Hallelujah, " John Lennon's "Imagine, " and Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" which will make a believer of you. Also, PTX makes a point of never doing anything in the studio that they cannot reproduce when in concert on stage.


Okay, before I tell the origin story of Pentatonix I have to introduce the members. So, in this video we have:

• First verse, tall blond guy: Scott Hoying, lyric baritone. Scott's range extends from about midway through a normal bass range to a fairly high tenor, probably about 5 or 6 octaves.
• Second verse, dark haired guy next to Scott: Mitch Grassi (pronounced Grah'-see, emphasis on the first syllable), contratenor. Mitch has a range of just over 6 octaves, but he's most comfortable in his higher registers. He switches between chest voice, mixed voice, head voice, and falsetto seemlessly, and is known for his ethereal high solos. Everyone in Pentatonix says he has the best voice of any of them.
• Third verse, black guy in a white jacket on the far left: Matt Sallee (pronounced Suh-lee', emphasis on the second syllable), lyric bass. It's hard to be sure just what Matt's range is, because it's still growing. I don't believe he's at the basso profundo level yet, but I expect him to reach it within a year or two. On the high end I believe that he can sing higher than Scott, though not as high as Mitch, Kirstin, or Kevin.
• Fourth verse, the only woman in Pentatonix: Kirstin (also called Kirstie, which rhymes with thirsty) Maldonado, mezzo soprano. Mezzo is the lowest soprano range, just above alto, and Kirstin is classed as mezzo because that's the range she's most comfortable in. In real life, however, Kirstin sings anywhere from a low alto (though not contralto, which is the female equivalent of baritone) through coloratura soprano, the highest female range. And she has whistle notes on top of that which are off the charts.
• The fifth member of Pentatonix is the black guy on the right: Kevin Olusola (pronounced Oh-loosh"-oh-luh', primary emphasis on the second syllable, secondary emphasis on the fourth syllable), beatboxer extraordinaire. Kevin is generally too busy being the entire percussion section to sing, but when he does he has a lovely tenor voice that occasionally dips into the uppermost reaches of baritone. He's also a pretty good rapper. Kevin has perfect pitch. He's classically trained on piano, saxophone, and cello. He beatboxes while playing the cello, a technique he calls "celloboxing." He performed at Carnegie Hall twice when he was a teenager, once on saxophone and once on cello. He has a premed degree from Yale and had been accepted to Yale Medical School before he decided to become a professional musician instead. He speaks five languages: English, French, Spanish, German, and Mandarin Chinese. He's one of the kindest people in the world, and when he laughs he makes the whole world seem brighter.

Matt joined Pentatonix in late 2017 or early 2018 (depending on how you figure it), after their original bass left the group for personal reasons in 2017. Which brings us to the one member of Pentatonix who doesn't appear in this video:


The 3 in the middle went to school together. There entered the show the sing off which they won. They are all amazing. Please react to more of them.


You really have to hear more of Pentatonix to see what each of them offers....all of them are super talented, sing amazing, beat box so awesome, bass is badass!!!! Please listen to more of their


Pentatonix has covered SO many songs. Their cover of Bohemian Rhapsody is incredible.


Three of the founding people, the girl, the guy in the middle and the guy on his left ALL WENT TO SCHOOL TOGETHER


To really hear Mitch, the high tenor, was Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, Mitch sound like a guitar in part of it but it is his voice alone. Someone else has told you more about the origins and the only change being the bass singer since forming in 2011. They do covers and have original songs.


You will LOVE their version of Hallelujah. It has a different bassist (guy in white came after the first guy, Avi). Mitch the high pitched guy really shines. It surprised people so much we call it getting "Mitch slapped".
And the the three in the middle have been friends forever. They started the group. Oh and the beat boxer is also an accomplished cellist.
