The Essence of All Vedanta by Swami Sarvapriyananda

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Swami Sarvapriyananda speaks on “The Essence of All Vedanta” (Based on Mandukya Karika) at the Vedanta Society of New York - April 8, 2018 | Vedanta NY

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Vedanta is one of the world’s most ancient religious philosophies and one of its broadest. Based on the Vedas, the sacred scriptures of India, Vedanta affirms the oneness of existence, the divinity of the soul, and the harmony of religions.

Vedanta Society of New York is affiliated with the Ramakrishna Order of India. In fact, this is the Order's first Center started by Swami Vivekananda, in 1894. It was a historic event, for the seed of the world-wide Ramakrishna Movement was sown here in New York over a century ago. Swami Sarvapriyananda is the present Resident Minister and Spiritual Leader of the Vedanta Society of New York.

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i have been searching for this for years: a true vedanta scholar on youtube. thank you from Germany


Have never come across any religion that is soo profound and that which does not discrimination you from others . Other religions discriminate between believers and non believers. Where as, vedanta discriminates between you and your ignorance. I am.blessed blessed and blessed to be born in this culture on this land of great sages and divine knowledge ❤❤❤❤


We need this type of teaching in modern world where everyone is running after money and wealth. Sarvapriyananda is mesmerizing all of us who sincerely love spirituality.... I just love to hear him anytime, any Love you Swamiji


Thank you, Swamiji. I am laid up at home with an injured rib, and your talks are my refuge!


▪ Aham Bramhasmi...Goosebumps ❤
▪ Only after waking up, we call it a dream, but at that time, it was a living reality.
▪ Deep Sleep is not absence of consciousness but consciousness of absence.
▪ In waking state, I is there ( we identify ourselves with physical body, thoughts, emotions, personality), in dream I is there ( we identify ourselves with dream body, people and places) but in deep sleep I is not there coz there is nothing to identify with...🤔

▪Neither that is true, nor this is true, YOU ARE THE TRUTH...Wow...Goosebumps again..❤

▪ While Waking State, I feel I am here, I am experiencing it, While Dreaming I am there, I am experiencing that but while deep sleep, I don't feel I am there as waking and dreaming state..I become non existent...unless I experience myself in deep sleep i can't proceed furthur i guess..that's the fundamental realization of SELF i guess 🤔

▪ That which illumins, does not get affected by what it illumins. Appearances can't affect reality.

▪ IT is available NOW, IT is available HERE and IT is YOU.

▪ A : Waker and the waking world.
U : Dreamer and the dream world.
M : Deep sleeper and darkness.
SILENCE. AUM...Silence is not seperate but it was always there.


It’s astonishing that humans had this knowledge 4000 years ago. If any of the ancient rishis walk into today’s society, they can immediately recognize the dissatisfaction present in the modern society and have a cure for it - whether it is drug addiction or Facebook addiction or porn/Bollywood addiction or money/Wall Street addiction!


I'm a cynical, skeptical person, but this amazing man impresses hell out of me. He makes brilliant sense to me, coming from a philosophical background, specifically Spinozism, which says that God is Nature or existence itself; free will is a delusion; everything is determined by God; and that life is perfect as is, but, of course, not from our viewpoint perhaps, if you are in pain especially. But everything is as it should be, not as we want it, often anyway. But we need to adjust to it, not vice-versa. This guy says a lot of the same things in clear, understandable ways. I recommend him and Vedanta. Please give it a chance, for everyone's sake.


SwamiJi is living Buddha. All His talks are masterpieces.
We can't praise You in words.
#Billion dollor lectures !


If only a little section of this world would understand this reality, this world would become a Oasis of Peace. Pranams to Revered Maharaj.🙏🙏🙏


Swami is a great storyteller! A sweet and kind person he is


20 years on and finally I get what turyia is. Thank you so much for these talks Swami, they've brought me so much understanding.


Thank you guru Swami Sarvaprivananda for sharing The Precious Dharma, allowing full access to your teachings online. It helps. I hope I wont miss any episode.

May Swami Sarvaprivananda be living a healthy, happy and wealthy long life!

Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice!


"Vedanta affirms the oneness of existence, the divinity of the soul, and the harmony of religions." Beautiful


I am eternally thankful to Swami Sarvapriyananda Puri.


Thank you Swamiji. You are a true blessing. I have been learning Vedanta via your YouTube videos. You have a such a calming way of teaching and explaining. I love meditating to your teachings. With much love from New Hampshire. Thank you Swamiji.


what a wonderful story teller; Swamiji proves via his lectures that India is flag bearer of peace; pranam vedanta ; pranam to the super teachers; the real sages of India. 🙏🏼


Advaita Vedanta at it´s best ! That´s exactly how it is ...thanks ... and thanks for sharing ...


This swami is brought in world by SriRamakrishna for Advanced souls


Swami is I feel innately that Swami Sarvapriyananda is manifesting as an Avatara where through his words we get enlightenment by deep dwelling . My Salutations to the great Avatara even though swami might call himself a Jeevan Mukta. It's humble of him. - Hiremath AV


We are so fortunate to be living at this period and listen to these 😇
