Git patterns and anti-patterns for successful developers : Build 2018

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In this session we show how to use Git in teams with pull requests and how to use branches to manage your releases. In this session we will compare GitHub flow with the 'Release Flow' practised at Microsoft.
Git patterns and anti-patterns for successful developers : Build 2018
Git Anti-Patterns: How Mess Up With Git And Love It Again by Lemi Orhan Ergin
Microsoft Build 2018 Git patterns and anti patterns for successful developers
Git Anti-Patterns: How To Mess Up With Git And Love It Again (Lemi Orhan Ergin, Turkey)
Branching Strategies Explained
Lemi Orhan Ergin - 10 Git Anti-Patterns Every Developer Should Be Aware Of #growITconf
Git Anti-Patterns: How Mess Up With Git And Love It Again - Lemi Orhan Ergin (iyzico)
Getting started with branching workflows, Git Flow and GitHub Flow
My Favorite Code 'Anti-Patterns' (Break These)
Branching Strategies on Git | Real-time Git Branching Strategy for a DevOps project
[Git] My Learning on Git Workflow: Gitflow and Trunk-Based Development (Including Anti-Patterns)
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Stability Patterns & Antipatterns • Michael Nygard • GOTO 2016
Teaching People Git, Emma Jane Hogbin Westby - Git Merge 2015
Git Flow vs GitHub Flow: What You Need to Know
Git Anti-Patterns: How To Mess Up With Git And Love It Again - Lemi O. E. (GDG DevFest Istanbul&apos...
How to search files for pattern in git
Code-related anti-patterns | Elixir Anti-Patterns Guide
Continuous Integration vs Feature Branch Workflow
Git Branches Tutorial
Code Smells vs Anti-patterns | Code Walks 030