Mascot Horror meets Roblox | Dandys World - Retrospective

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Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you Dandys World! In this Mascot Horror you play as little characters known as toons. The goal is to make it as far you can within the gardenview center without getting caught by monsters known as twisteds.

- I had this video in the works for a while but the script had to go through multiple changes because of how long it was initally getting. I have alot of thoughts about this game but this video serves as a brief description of how the game functions and what it excells at!
- Sorry for the audio, I have been having trouble gadging a new microphone and might need to look into a new editing software.


Av: Thumbnail artwork

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Crow Country - Staff Only
- - - - - - - - - -
Crow Country - Detective Harrison James
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Pseudoregalia - Listless Library
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Yume 2kki - Cog Maze
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Yume 2kki - Lotus Waters
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Crow Country - Fairytale Town
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Yume 2kki - Lavender Waters
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Bomberman Hero - Milky
- - - - - - - - - -
Crow Country - Heart of Crow Country
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Pikmin - Todays Results
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Bahamut Lagoon - Epicedium

00:00 - Intro
01:41 - What is Dandys World
02:52 - Toons
08:15 - Twisteds
11:49 - World Design
14:00 - Floor Design
16:12 - Toons and Twisteds Design
19:19 - Outro

#roblox #horrorgaming
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Does the audio seem quiet to you guys?


18:17 Now with the update and Glisten I’m going to say that I believe they still have memories, some just more repressed than others. Glisten doesn’t want to hurt us. You can see in goobs body language he doesn’t want to hurt us. It’s obvious that some twisteds still have a bit of themselves in there. Using glisten as an example, I believe lore wise he was on the brink of going full twisted. Us being nearby and soothing his fear kept him sane just a little longer, that makes me think that twisteds only become twisteds by living their worst nightmare. Also that brings up another comparison between Astro and Dandy, Astro brings the toons good dreams and Dandy (presumably) made them live their worst nightmare. Over all I love dandy’s world lore :)


Fun fact: each main toons has their own unique powers if you fail a machine

Astro: if you fail a skill check, Astro will drain half of your progress

Dandy: if you complete a machine dandy will run to the machine to check if there are any players there

Vee: if you fail a skill check, it doesn’t matter how far she is away from the machine she hears every failed skillcheck

Note: I know some people already noticed, but I just love to get out some facts


you cooked so well BUT WHY ARE YOU UNDERATED


It’s like Rainbow Friends, but actually front page worthy


"Grab your popcorn"
Me with tea: 👁👄👁


Although this video is veeery long, it is really helpful and it would help newer players. You cooked so well that I HAVE to subscribe🔥


Shelly-participation award and magnifiying glass
Goob- speedy shoes and dog plush
Pebble flutter tisha and looey (u dont have to distract as them)-Same as goober
Shrimpo- savory charm


If you also looked closely to some Twisteds idle animations (you can check in roleplay map!), you can see how either their hands, head, etcetera twitch, indicating that they must've felt agonizing pain having those ichor in or on them, also, I like to think that the Twisteds really didn't mean to harm us, take example for Twisted Goob, the way he pulled us is similar to his Toon skill 'Hug!', I like to think that Twisted Goob just wanted a hug for comfort since you know how he is, and take example from Twisted Poppy's hand when she's in idle, it was shaking, and Twisted Sprout's ichor covered hand when in idle, the fingers are twitching, most Twisted characters also shows the emotions of fear, you can see it by looking at the Shadow on their face, Poppy, Goob, Cosmo, Astro, Glisten and Sprout (idk but his face just keeps giving me the feeling that he must've been terrified before he became a Twisted), I don't know though whether the Twisted counterparts of the Toons was like a decoy or Toon that became Twisteds. I don't know though, I might be mostly wrong but please don't attack me for it :')


I cried when the video ended 😭
I loved the video!!


There is one thing i reaĺy like about dandys world and its how the toons speak after completing a machine fhey say something and we know that already but some toons refer to other toons ater completing a machine for example a line goob could say is scraps would be so proud or something around those lines and scraps can say goob eould ne so impressed this shows the relationship the toons have wit eachother goob and scraps being siblings a line vee can say is ' i bet dandy couldnt do that ' after completing a machine and dandy is talked-about alot when there is a astro like a astro and a pebble will talk about how astro is concerned about dandy and with astro and teagen they talk about how astro barley talks with dandy anymore and i think there is a lore reason for that also the interaction with tisha is funy because she says she could use another pair of arms to help cleaning and astro sas nothing and in astros twisted design we see 4 arms

Ima say a little theory here so if u dont know about dandys world dont read its fun figuring it out

We know dandy is the one running the ichor operation ( making the twisteds and such im pretty sure ) when reaching 50% astro research it mentions him being consumed by guilt and when you buy astro from the shop dandy doesnt say anything so i think astro knew what dandy was doing but didnt do anything and he feels guilty and him and dandy dont talk anymore


“I know most of the players are young, but come on! How do you die on the first floor?”
Me, a teenager, dying on the first floor every time:


Just sucks that the owners are bad people.
Edit: please stop replying that rox is gone, plus qwel is still pretty shitty for allowing rox with solid proof + she did some other shit.


I tried playing dandy’s world but everyone was like “ABC for blah blah blah run” And like their was no lobbies that actually went into the elevators. I bet the game is great though


Also ichor can apparently mean the discharge from a severe human wound or in this case, toon damage or wound


Great review on this game! (Also i was the 555th like just to let you know)


When I play this I keep giggling because it's just funny


i did watch this but uh i expected u to be mostly happy about the lore cause that game has some insane lore


The lobby is not underground, if you look up where the tree is youll see the night sky above you


4:55 brief brightney getting chased sequence
