2:2 - Challenge of Platonism - Divine Aseity | Advanced Course - The Attributes of God

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Section Two: Divine Aseity
Part Two: The Challenge of Platonism

Dive into section two of this 17-part graduate-level course from Dr. Craig on the divine attributes.
This unique one-week intensive taught at Houston Christian University is divided into five sections.

Section One: Divine Incorporeality
Section Two: Divine Aseity
Section Three: Divine Eternity
Section Four: Divine Omniscience
Section Five: Divine Omnipotence

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Excellent video Dr William Lane Craig ❤


I absolutely love this topic and do think that Platonism offers a serious threat to God as the ultimate sole reality. Dr Craig explains such a difficult topic so well and clearly. He leads the layman so well through the myriad of options open to the theist on the topic.

I would also recommend Dr Craig’s Cadbury Lectures on the topic and his book ‘God over All’. The diagram in ‘God over All’ that plots all the realist, Arealist and antirealist views is so helpful!


I'm planning a video on my channel to critique Dr Craigs view of Penal substitution and Divine Retribution.
But I'm still not clear on his position on original sin.
Here are some questions if someone would be kind enough to clarify as I do not want to misrepresent his views.

1. Does Dr Craig believe that we are born guilty from the first second of our existence?

2. Does Dr Craig believe that we are born 'deserving' to be punished from the moment of birth, or only after we first exercise our free will to commit sins and do so?

3. I am aware that Dr Craig believes that 'if' intelligent aliens lived on other planets far away in other galaxies whom God gave eternal souls to, then they would be in need of salvation from Jesus. But they would not be born into the lineage of Adam & Eve and may even have been created on their own planet millions of years prior to Adam and Eve. As such why would these hypothetical creations/children of God be born trapped in sin by Adam and Eve's fall?

4. It seems to me that Dr Craig doesn't believe 'original sin' is a 'thing' or state that we inherit. And in some ways, he believes that humans were created intrinsically in need of salvation and not in need of it from some mistake an ancestor made that shunted our lineage off the Heavenly path. As evidenced by his view that even aliens would be in need of salvation. Then, does Dr Craig believe that God created children fallen and salvation is part of the God intended course from the start/original plan/design?

5. In his view of penal substitution, does Dr Craig believe that Jesus was tortured and put to death on our behalf meaning that we deserve that but Jesus took it on himself. And if so, for what exactly do we deserve this? Is it for sinful things we think, feel, say and do in our lifetime or are we born deserving this? Or does he believe we are born innocent and at some point in our lives we sin and then become deserving of being put to death?

6. Does Dr Craig just believe sinful humans 'deserve' to be put to death only or also to be tortured as well as condemned to hell?

7. Does Dr Craig believe sinful humans deserving to be put to death is a punishment of retribution or more like how a breeder would euthanise an animal with extreme abnormalities as a mercy to avoid it procreating and passing on the faulty DNA. What I mean is, does he believe the 'deserve to be put to death part' is just God exercising error correction and quality control so if possible it would be ideal for sinners to be put to death in the most humane and painless way possible as they are not guilty of anything but just not of a good enough quality to be viable. Or does he believe it is more on the punishment side of why we sinners deserve to be put to death even though He spares us that by having Jesus suffer the fate we deserve?

I appreciate any clarification anyone can give and it would be great if you could point me to his writings or talks on those specific points.
I have been listening to him for 15 years now but still a little unclear on these points.
