SK Telecom T1 vs G2 eSports | Game 4 Grand Finals LoL MSI 2017 Play-Offs | SKT vs G2 Final G4
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G2 vs SKT final Game 4 2017 Lol eSports Mid-Season Invitational Main Tournament lol. MSI 2017 G2 vs SKT G4 VOD.
League of Legends Season 7 Mid-Season Invitational Play-In in Brazil - Round Robin.
Fourth of the day - G2 eSports vs SK Telecom T1 best of 5 Game 4. SKT vs G2.
SK Telecom T1 Line-up:
Huni - Top Rumble
Peanut - Jungle Olaf
Faker - Mid LeBlanc
Bang - AD Twtich
Wolf - Support Tahm Kench
G2 eSports Line-up:
Expect - top Galio
Trick - jungle Lee Sin
PerkZ - mid Orianna
Zven - ADC Kalista
Mithy - support Thresh
Patch: 7.8 - Season 7
Game date: 21.05.2017 | 05/21/2017 | May 21st 2017
Game place: Brazil
Casters: Deficio, Kobe and Phreak
There are more playlists in the playlist section on the channel!
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League of Legends Season 7 Mid-Season Invitational Play-In in Brazil - Round Robin.
Fourth of the day - G2 eSports vs SK Telecom T1 best of 5 Game 4. SKT vs G2.
SK Telecom T1 Line-up:
Huni - Top Rumble
Peanut - Jungle Olaf
Faker - Mid LeBlanc
Bang - AD Twtich
Wolf - Support Tahm Kench
G2 eSports Line-up:
Expect - top Galio
Trick - jungle Lee Sin
PerkZ - mid Orianna
Zven - ADC Kalista
Mithy - support Thresh
Patch: 7.8 - Season 7
Game date: 21.05.2017 | 05/21/2017 | May 21st 2017
Game place: Brazil
Casters: Deficio, Kobe and Phreak
There are more playlists in the playlist section on the channel!
Please like/share/comment and sub if you haven't yet - it helps a lot!
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