Download All Pictures from Procare

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Quick script I wrote to download all pictures and videos out of procare. To use, do the following:

1.) Copy the following string of text:

2.) Open google chrome (might work with other browsers, but not really tested)

3.) Log into Procare

4.) In the address bar, type the word "javascript" followed by a colon (:) like this:


5.) Paste the text you copied earlier so your address bar now looks like this:

6.) Hit ENTER

7.) Select a date range you want pictures and video from

8.) Click "Extract"

9.) When the website asks for permission to download multiple files, click "YES". These are your pictures and videos its trying to download.

This sounds *WAY* more complicated than it really is.
Just watch the video, and if you get lost please feel free to contact me.

*** IS THIS SAFE? ***

2.) The "application" is open source - meaning everything the code does can be inspected before you run it.

BTW, if there's anything I can do to make this better; please comment or make a pull request.
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thank you for these clear instructions. I was able to download 3 years of pics in about 10 mins!


Hi Justin, thank you for the code. By default the code is downloading only for a single kid. How can I download the pictures for the 2nd child if I have multiple kids registered in my Procare account. Thank you!


Where do the downloads go? How can you access it?
