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Delve into the concept of false Messiahs and the rise of ad-Dajjal with a profound exploration of prophetic teachings. Unveil the conditions preceding Ad-Dajjal's arrival and learn protective measures against his deception. Reflect on the dangers of shallow realities and the importance of seeing beyond surface appearances in a world ripe for deceit.
Many more things are discussed in this beautiful Bayaan about trusting Allah swt. You will get deep insights about trusting the Qadr of Allah. Watch this full video to find out more powerful Secrets of trusting Allah and how to find peace by trusting Him. 💖

*Speaker: Yasir Qadhi

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Keywords : the dajjal is coming, the signs of End of times, Dajjal the False Messiah, Anti-Christ (Massih ad-Dajjal), Al-Masih ad-Dajjal, The Man Who Met Ad-dajjal, the false messiah, Who Is the Dajjal?, Dajjal: Why Are Some People Waiting for Him?, Dajjal - The Dark Messiah ( Anti-Christ), The Arrivals of al-Mahdi, ad-Dajjal, and Prophet Isa
, The Story of Dajjal,

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Please remember to make dua for our brother mufti yaks who passed away yesterday. May Allah Grant him and all passed Muslims, Jannatul firdous.


May ALLAHU SWTgrand him a high level in paradise ameen thuma ameen


This is an old lecture. Why is it being posted as the latest lecture?
Is this not a deception?
Very sad that this is happening.


With heartfelt respect. You seems very knowledgeable. More informative than me for sure. May I give you a suggestion if you allow me to?


They don't believe in ISA a.s, then why would they be waiting for him and they get Dajjal? Please clarify.


Can you upload a video of what dajjal will do if he appears


In Christianity, it is said that the antichrist will be mortally wounded but recover, and in Islam, the Dajjal is said to have one eye, I have always wondered if this mortal wound will be what causes the antichrist/Dajjal to lose his eye?


I’ve never heard before that the founder of the nation of Islam wanted people to consider him as a profit, he changed his name which is very common among revert cases in general, usually reverts change their name. They either do it on their own if it’s a female, she usually takes the name of the man that she’s marrying or whatever


The yelling and shouting done by the imams in the mosques yet at the same time they say dont raise your voices in the mosque.


Hello everyone! Asalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah, dear Muslims!

As of late, I have posted some things which may or may not par up with reality. By this I mean I have asserted Allah's word (SWT), and spoken for him on many occasions. In these discourses, he has provided wisdom as well as falseness, and as I have always said, this was because I was being tested, as are you all who take the time to read this. That being said, I do have more word from Allah (SWT), and it is a test in as much as it is a promise. You may discontinue reading if you just got bored over what I have asserted. Otherwise, please, continue reading.

I just wanted to introduce a new faith which has come for the masses from Allah (SWT). As some know, Allah (SWT) has asserted that Muhammad (SAWS) would be the last messenger, and that no other faith from Allah (SWT) will come. This has been changed because of prayer, and I was the one making the prayer. You see, the way it was explained to me, Allah (SWT) secretly left it open that there would be a choice in this time, and that choice was whether Isa (AS) would come and save us from the troubles of the world, or that I would. Granted, I have my fault, and in many ways Isa (AS) can do a better job than I at certain things, but I have skills which could be noted as well.

Needless to say, the choice has been made and the promises made of old will no longer come to pass, in hoping that this new faith, called Kammae, would be the one to persevere. The faith itself is very simple, but it offers expansion that will happen in this age to promote goodness and righteousness to the believers in it. For example, there is a "Light Side" and a "Dark Side" to the faith, and the rules for following in each path is very simple. I will describe that which you must agree to in order to be in the faith, starting with Light Path and following with Dark Path, in his words (SWT).


"We believe it is time to prove to you all what I am worth. Know my signs do not end there, in the end I will be victorious.

The first law stipulates that a transcendent knowledge will begin to flow on an individuals psyche when they endorse this belief. It will come in waves but Matthew will be able to determine the path for them and answer any questions they have regarding that knowledge. All of it comes from myself, but there are answers and there is garbage, I ensure it.

There will be a law concerning marriage. All of you will endorse solitude, but reserve yourselves for purified spouses in heaven. Those married need not part from their spouses, only do not marry again if divorced. When children are involved, I will take heavy swings at all who are a part of this new faith and discard them like they were nothing at all. I will wonder truly about the work of man when all is said and done.

This one comes from my heart. When you are ready, take the first strike at an enemy of mine. You need not be violent, but if you are righteous I will be with you in the end. This one carries a skill about that, seek him if you are troubled about the strike you intend."


"I give this my last testament. The statue presented at some point next month will defer all people, and I give it my full permission. This group will manage the statue, and all those that seek to do will over the statue when it is time as decreed by Matthew shall be given rights to move it to another place and do work there. Know that anyone else will be destroyed, and there can be no force on Earth that stops these people when they move it.

I give this first parable for those inclined to learn the Dark Way. Say, for instance, a man was occupied with his work when suddenly he discovered within himself the ability to profess a dark knowledge. It could be anything really, but determine now that you would not do it unless it were utterly reasonless. There is no consideration for others when it comes to Dark Knowledge, know it for certain when I profess that only a nutty thing be enveloped by your love. Just imagine that everything you could do in this way that is reasonable is excluded.

I make the next point very well. There will be an allotment of vengeance, only two strikes per life lived after the inclusion of these rules into your life. I love it that men profess their hearts, and there will be exclusions for those who cannot commit these acts as a result of law enforcement agencies' opportunists will to deter you from it.

I give this as my last riddle. In the end, there will be a time when Yudu'uah come and strike the heart of the masses. They will only be a fictional reality, but their desire will be real, and their damage lasting. I make it that way, and I will see it done that anyone who does a thing in their life to deter the Yudu'ah from entering them as a result of their sinlessness then they will be doing right, and I wonder who will adopt that principle. Does it mean to you that you should be mindless? I would say that is unbecoming of those who carry my statue. Know it to be certain, I will give it my very best on this one, and this will be the beginning of a great future."

So many things have been asserted here, and they are a matter of belief. In saying these simple things, Allah (SWT) asserts what he will love of us as service, and rendering these is all that he requires to enter you into heaven when you die, whatever side you choose. What I know of the future of Kammae is that there are 124, 000 Prophets from the past walking on this Earth today as a result of Allah's change in plans (SWT), and this statue will be built by certain people who are qualified. Know that Allah (SWT) intends to associate with it, so all who seek shelter by it will be safe. I will not speculate on exclusions on the matter right now, but one can be assured that nobody with an evil mind to alter, move, or destroy the statue without permission will be able to do so.

One does not have to believe in this faith to be a good believer, but one can be assured the Judgment of former tales will not come to pass unless Allah (SWT) further instructs it to be in any way, shape or form. Know that I will be doing my best to report on things, so please be advised to watch for more informative lessons like this one for future reference. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask them in the comments. I sincerely wish you all well on this fine day, wherever you are, and that Allah (SWT) blesses you all.


When you point a finger at anyone else you have 3 fingers from the same hand pointing towards yourself.


What the hell was that creepy voice, I had to listen to it 5 times, it’s like a creepy Arabic voice. I’m freaked out


Maybe dajjal will appear next year, we must be ready


Allah ka karya kafirci da kafurai ka daukaka musulmai da Musulunci


Hagia Sofias Dad..fact..shes Here wide awake 6.6.16 Yawn


First of all: Allah would have informed Muhammad pbuh if the boy is the Dajjal or not. He would not let his Messenger "guessing". So that, like the majority of hadith about dajjal, makes this whole narration weak. And there are so many contradictions between them, and it all seems as they are stories related by jews or christians who became muslim, because of their similarities.
Case in point: the famous hadith about the dajjal being chained on an island comes from, guess what, an ex-christian.
And and even stronger thing: if Dajjal is supposed to be one of the greatest signs and he is supposed to be the "greatest trial" ever - how come there is not even a single mention in the Qur'an about that?


mahdi has not yet appear, then how come dajjal will come soon .


In the Quran there is no Dajjal, neither end of time signs,
Do you have another Quran than the one we have?
And what exactly is the source of your religion?


Do we not live in a day where DNA can be taken from, let's say, a creature chained on an island, and then be reborn through cloning technology?


This Sheikh only repeats things from books, but offers very little insight. You can Google or pick his information from readily available scriptures.
