Gaming Consoles are going Extinct - Here's Why

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Gaming consoles like Sony's PlayStation, Microsoft's Xbox and all it series, Nintendo Entertainment Systems, Sega and all other portable gaming devices have reigned supreme for almost a century.
The once dominant piece of technology which gave us a leap into uncharted territories, pushing the boundaries of what was possible and widening our imaginations as kids is now facing imminent extinction due to new dimensive tech. Watch and learn




00:00 Introduction
01:25 The Glory Days
02:38 Console Wars
03:48 The Evolution of Crossplay
04:35 Now to Game Pass
05:00 Looking to the future
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Been playing on consoles for 37 years. They aren't going anywhere. Unless there's a crash in the industry again, they have proven to be recession proof.


Stop it consoles aint going nowhere just cus one of the companies suck at consoles.


If that happens I'll just go back to old consoles.


Lol. The war between Sega, Nintendo, and Xbox. Swing and a miss!


I think a lot sign pointing that consoles are going extinct. XBOX becoming a service that compete with steam. I do not know what PLAYSTATION become. And NINTENDO becoming a entertainment company. I think the days of brand loyalty is gone. And I think all three have one more console lift into them. Due to the shift gamers interest are now.


I think there will always be games consoles in the sense that there will always be a sealed box experience for people who don’t want to bother with a gaming PC. But it won’t be the brand focal point that it is today.
And new hardware won’t signal a new generation it will just be a new possible top end


As soon as that happens I will stop gaming


Now days it’s taking forever for companies to release major triple A titles compared to the past which I feel like is gonna affect gaming in the future


yes! that is the direction its going, everything start with there decision. not ours as gamers we/ I want consoles to stay but that because they want us to change its been there plan for long time its starts with digital games as long as you support digital games this problem will continue to grow. its begains with all digital and as far as mobile gaming and im not taking about handhelds like switch or ps vita with card based games remote play has been there plan of all this, from psp, ps vita and now playstation portal remote play and the portal yes ive said before i want them to get rid of disc but i do not want all digital card based conoles and handhelds is the way to go swith has started that and it needs to stay first phsycal media is leaving store and sales and remote portable play like the portal before we know it no more consoles no more handhelds it will be mobile stream gaming they will work together with cell companies and have there own cell service/phones that is the future of gaming our cell phone that we have been support for awhile now not me. as long as people support digital, remote play and its going to happen so stop supporting digital games dont buy a portal and stop playing big triple a titles or your phone alot of people still have there old hardware how long do you think your phone will last phones break /fail and over priced this will cost more if phones are gaming devices.


The consoles Arnt becoming extinct it’s just gaming isn’t what it used to be anymore this is the hard reality


So basically the Steam Deck and ASUS Rog Ally are killing consoles? ummm I would not believe that at all. This is the fault of like one example Sony. If you forgotten the PSP long existed BEFORE gaming on the go on a handheld existed today. Where is the proof that consoles are suffering even BEFORE handhelds are dominating? During the PSP Era days. For Nintendo it was ineviatable we would have a hybrid Nintendo Switch Console that can do both things because GameFreak pushed the limits of the 3DS to its limits and wont make games due to its hardware.

Where is the high end batteries for are portable gaming devices at hmm? Why don't we have like 25 hours or more battery life on the go? Because without advancing battery tech we wont get much battery life or almost unlimited battery as if a console was plugged into the wall.


This same sad song was being sung back in Atari days, goofy. Sing a new song.


Here is how I see it...I see it alittle in nintendos light


Xbox really doesn’t care about their consuls anymore. I’ve got a good feeling that one day Sony is going to make something that is going to go insane in the market.


Anyone notice that many games on PC are now including in-game controller layouts?

You can go into the controller options and cycle through Sony, XBOX and even Nintendo layouts!


Another doom and gloom video. Thumbs down.
