I Built a SECRET 7-11 in My SCHOOL

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Today, I Zhong, am going to build a secret 711 in my school! My Angry Teacher will send me to summer school if he sees me eating snacks again! Me and @VuJae look for the best place to build it. First we go to the playground but its too exposed. My friends and girlfriend @KatBuno distract the angry teacher by counting m&m’s. Then I jump in the dumpster to see if It would be a good spot but its so stinky in there guys, gotta keep looking. Meanwhile, the students and angry teacher are trying to see which makes a bigger explosion, Coke and mentos, or Pepsi and mentos. Me and Vu sneak into the principal’s office and steal a map of the school! Then the students have a quiz contest and the girls win by answering the names of the two sisters in Frozen, Elsa and Anna. Me and Vu finally find a secret room and school that’s perfect to start building. We go to 711 and buy supplies. We buy a slurpee machine and a real 711 sign. We start setting up our secret 711 but we first we must try 5 banned snacks. The first banned snack is sour chocolate, then we try grass flavored kit kat bar! The third banned snack is blue and red sour sodas. Next we try a giant gummy snake. The last banned snack is a radioactive soda! After that we buy the snacks. We buy Mr Beast Feastables, Strawberry Banana Prime, cheetos, doritos, lays, oreos, and ton of candy. The Angry teacher catches Vu! Vu leads him to my secret 711. The teacher keeps my 711 so I don’t have to go to summer school. Where would you build a secret 711?? Comment below!!


Snapchat: @zhongsnap


Hi my name is Zhong! Welcome to my channel. You'll find me playing tricks and pranks on my friends. We also love to do challenges and play different games against each other. I hope you enjoy my videos!
Рекомендации по теме

Your videos are very interesting. keep it up


Zhong, You're amazing! Let's be friends and hang out!


The 7-11 in your school its..
Very Cool! 🎉❤😮
Edit 1: Tysm for 27 likes ☻
Edit 2:Wow, Ty for 57 likes 👹✨👹


Good video! Btw What contry are you from?


how scripted do u want it to zhong:yes


Vu i sink that you are super good at helping others but when they don’t respect you, you will leave them OK Vu


I just reading😂😂😂
I really love your videos😊😊😊😊


From boone: if you do school that means your in 12th grade


The luckiest thing hapend to me i was getting my food while skipping i sliped on water and didnt fall cause if i falled i woud get eletrucuted


Are you guys making a 7-Eleven on your school? The the teacher will find you and then the locker is gonna work but you have to distract the mean teacher song or or if the mean teacher will find a song you gonna go to summer school
