Liam Family USA | Long Legs vs Short Legs! Safety Rules in Swimming Pools | Family Kids Cartoons

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Help help i can’t swim!
It’s okay, we’ve got him
Wow! Nice water rescue!
I want to save someone too
Take this gear before you begin
Okay lion cub, jump in
In the water, down i go
But i can’t dive, oh no!
Little dolly sinks away
Lion cub tries another way
Now i can get the doll
It wasn’t hard at all
Please someone help me!
I got your dolly, see!
I thought she was gone
Please keep your floaties on
Hello panda, how are you?
Lion cub tries something new
Now he has long long feet
His transformation is complete
What in the world is that?
Wolfy hits with a splashy splat
Lion cub! The floaty, please
I can get that with ease
I’ll get it fast as fast
Finally, pool time! At last
Have you seen a watch ‘round here?
I’ll find it, have no fear
I could do this in my sleep
Ahhh it’s way too deep!
Sorry buddy, i was beat
Watch me use my super feet
Hey warthog, here you go
You are so amazing bro!
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