Neil Harbisson: I listen to color

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I love the idea of listening to colours. It's always fascinating when I learn about people who have embraced an alternate way of viewing or experiencing the world that isn't at all common.


He's so crazily passionate about this and it's amazing. Just listening to him speak it's so intriguing.


I grew more and more amazed as he progressed through the speech. It was amazing to watch as something that started off as a novel idea grow into something so incredible. It's kind of like a simulated synesthesia but one that actually extends our senses. Truly one of the best TED talks.


I really admire him. His sense of humor is exceptionally good.


I wonder what color does he say the dress is


Finally, somebody else who hears color. As an painter, it's hard to explain that to people. His is definitely on a different level since he's color blind. Being around people or in a place that is too loud is like being in a room that is too bright. I hope I get to meet him one day in my little ol' life.


"Before I used to dress in a way that it look good now I dress in a way that it sounds good." xD


ive been looking into this. have always been interested in this guy is remarkable. from a first glance he just looks like a hipster trying to be unique, but then when you listen to what he has to say it really makes sense. he percieves reality totally differently than we do. i think using technology to improve the human body is amazing.


I saw this ted talk right away move my feeling into tears of joy I could content myself when I hear a music note for each color. I am not a musician but as an art student I asked myself how each note will sound for each color? This video explained to me like not other person could. In color theory we talk about the complementary color, which are the opposite colors in the color wheel. As I see (7:08) MLK Jr and Hitler color mix my eyes fill with tears and it took my breath away. You can see the same colors but in different arrangement, which is an example what opposites are.


There is a painter artist who makes some rather convincing paintings out of music. He assigns the musical intervals to a colour that 'looks' as the interval sounds. E.g. a pure warm fifth gets red, a stringent 9th magenta, a third yellow etc. I have seen Bach's WTC painted that way. It looks surprisingly good.


This guy can hear infra-red. He can perceive heat, like the pit viper.

That's so awesome.


This is my best TED talk since 10 years ago and the reason I started watching this channel.
It's been a while since I've seen it, but I'm impressed again.


This is the most amazing TED talk I've ever seen.


6:59 dude to the right of the screen is sleeping.


I believe that each person has a different sound in their mind for each color, and moreover, the colors are derived in infinite tonalities that it is really a divine act to try to conceptualize "literally" a single color.


oh my god, the video is a great inspiration, every single word can be taken as a great quote, one of my favorite Ted videos so far ...  
"Where a device, is no longer a device, it had become an extension of my senses"


I didn't think about the problems of people with monochromacy before I watched this video. It really scares me. The fact that people have to live with this disease is truly terrible. Neil Harbisson has come up with a truly unique way to solve this problem. To transmit the perception of colors using sound directly into the bone is a very bold decision. Many will say that these sounds are terrible, but for people with monochromasia, these sounds determine the perception of the world. I really admire Neil, his struggle with his illness. My only wish is that there are fewer chronically ill people in the world, and those who were unlucky enough to be born with the disease, fought it to the end and helped others, just like Neil.


No consideré los desafíos que enfrentan las personas con acromatopsia hasta que vi este video. Me resulta inquietante descubrir que hay quienes tienen que convivir con esta condición. La manera de Neil Harbisson para abordar este problema es realmente única, transmitir la percepción de los colores a través del sonido directamente al hueso. Me parece fantastico que se pueda oír colores. Admiro sinceramente la valentía de Neil al enfrentar su propia enfermedad y más que todo de ver la solución a su condición para tener el color en su vida gracias a la tecnología!


This is cool, it's like induced synesthesia...very cool, and sci-fi ^_^ But not exactly the same as colour.


Probably the best TED talk I’ve ever seen. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t like TED talks.
