The Roblox Situation Is Crazy

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For people asking "wen Off the Grid video". Tomorrow.


I'm an adult with a Roblox account, cause I play with my daughter. I don't talk to other users at all and only to my daughter. I've seen a couple things over the last couple years that are certainly questionable, with people trying to get around the chat filters and one game that allowed user uploaded images that wasn't moderated at all. I blocked that game on my daughters account and helped her through any issue with chat. But yeah... it's a online game with tons of users. Just dumping your child on there and never checking on what is going on, is a problem.


Lying to investors absolutely IS illegal. However, if the CEO gets punished at all, they will fine him $500K and pat themselves on the back for protecting the rest of us.


I’ve been playing Roblox for over ten years. Started as a bab. The utter state of Roblox is so upsetting to me because I remember the vibrancy and fun of Roblox. When games weren’t incentivized to be made to milk as much money from you as possible, and when just outright pedophilia was far more underground. I’m not convinced that Roblox corporate isn’t run by pedophiles themselves.


i hate that YT won't just allow us to discuss mature content like adults. the need to censor important topics only allows it to hide more easily


About the pedos, there's this yt channel called "people make games" that did two pieces on Roblox, for sure a horrible company.


The thing with the 6 billion registered accounts claim is that Roblox does not ever delete a user's account. You cannot delete your account (although it can be deactivated, but as soon as you log in again, the account gets immediately restored) and even if you get permanently banned (which almost never happens), your account is just marked as "[CONTENT DELETED]" and hidden from other users, it's still there in the background. (I've tested this by querying the Roblox API for a banned user via their user ID, that query returned all the public facing account info as well as the "PERMANENTLY BANNED", "HIDDEN FROM SEARCH", "HIDDEN FROM FRIENDS" and "HIDDEN FROM WEB" flags on the account.)

EDIT: Oh yeah. Also the PDF problem in Roblox is nothing new. It was already bad when I played 10 years ago, back when they actually had in-house moderation teams that did their job. Now it's absolutely rampant, their current moderation is borderline non-existent and is almost entirely algorith based. There is an extremely aggressive chat filter that will block lots of normal words for inexplicable reasons but just putting a full stop in the middle of a word that is rightly blocked is often all you need to do to side step the chat filter. And the thing is Roblox staff are fully aware of the fact that it is a problem and they just refuse to take action.


“Information is only as good as it’s sauce” -Kira 2024


My 8 year-old loves Roblox and plays it on her tablet; but I make sure her time on it is heavily monitored. She simply cannot play it without me actually activating it and I won't let her play it without either myself or my wife supervising her playtime. I've also disabled her voice chat along with disabling her hearing other people's chats and she cannot send or receive anything without me being notified about it on my phone. That some parents allow their kids on that game platform without any kind of supervision boggles my mind. My wife's cousin has 14 and 11 year-old daughters and both were on Roblox unsupervised for years, even with me warning them about it repeatedly. That is; until they caught their 11 year-old (she was 10 at the time) taking pics of her nude chest and sending them to one her 'friends' to 'compare'. Yeah... they ended up punishing both daughters by blocking them from using their devices on the internet because they can't be bothered to supervise their internet usage instead.


These seemingly spontanous Kira takes are becoming almost as high quality as the actual "serous essays". Well done!


My spouse worked for them. He'd be so disappointed if he could see what a shitshow their moderation has become. I don't think he'd be surprised though.


ive had a roblox account since 2011, but its hard to find anyone my age that isnt a creepy weirdo or game developer ripping off children and their money, so ive lost most interest in playing and developing for that platform 😿

went from a fun place for people to have basic monetization from assets and making silly, fun games out of passion into a highly corporate and oversaturated platform where even children are encouraged to work for below minimum wage for *other children* or even real game studios on official “career” pages on the website 🙀


Sounds like the internet as a whole when I was a kid ... except as a concentrated kid zone it's worse. Yuck. Plus companies in the 90s had genuine care and enthusiasm for the net. Thats why the Dot Com bubble happened.


A very big chunk of Roblox users know how much NSFW stuff there is. Not just the games, but the User Generated Content in the catalogue containing everything from suggestive to straight up "how has Roblox not banned this".

Inflated metrics aren't surprising either, given you can easily make bots.


Is it me or is Kira recording this from the fog world themed for the silent hill 2 remake release?


As a 40+ year old when i found out a friend of mine's child played Robolox i strongly tried to warn him about what happens in that game, sadly he didnt seem to care, i will pass this info on to him but i doubt it will change anythng. thanks for covering this topic


As a data person, who has been responsible for both internal and investor metrics, Roblox is 100% bullshitting thrir numbers, either intentionally or unintentionally.

Investor data being different is a massive red flag

I can think of 500 million reasons why though.


My son loves Roblox. He doesn't play without me, I don't make him have to let on that I'm in the game unless he wants to. But I'll never trust mods, I remember what happened with my neopets chats back when I was his age, he's 11.

Kira, I truly admire how you approach your audience with such respect and authenticity. You never feel the need to put on a persona or create a facade, and that level of honesty is rare and refreshing. I especially appreciate that you never underestimate our intelligence—you present your research in such a thorough and thoughtful way, which really sets your content apart. The stories you choose to share are always meaningful and well-researched, making each video not just informative but genuinely valuable.

You remind me of the great investigative journalists, sometimes referred to as 'muckrakers, ' who sought out the truth and shared it without bias or embellishment.

Thank you for all the effort and integrity you bring to your work!


It's really weird seeing the direction this game has taken as someone who played it back in 2008. I remember when it was just some knock-off lego game where you built stuff and most of the games on the catalog were obstacle courses, building games, and deathmatches. I guess it's not so surprising in retrospect when it always seemed like they were becoming greedier and greedier by the year.


Describing the crypto metaverse as Roblox with a slightly LESS mature playerbase was such a perfect dig at cryptobros.
