Contested Zone Loot to Give Huge Advantage - Star Citizen

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Contested zones are going to be incredibly valuable to anyone who wants to win in PvP, as it was revealed they would offer the best loot and ship parts you can find.

#starcitizen #spacegames #lootershooter

0:00 Contested Zones
2:36 Loot that Matters
4:38 Get an Advantage
5:45 There are Issues

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If they intend to lock components inside CZ, then they need to have other concurrent ways of obtaining them, like reputation or exploration or even mission rewards.


"high risk high reward" in gaming means "we're going to straight up give this stuff away to the biggest groups and nobody else"


Insurance needs to change. Claiming a ship should differentiate between: bring ship from another station to here, rescue back my ship from location X where I died, and my ship crashed into the sun I need a new one from scratch.
A factory new ship shouldn't keep custom components. And in turn, ships should not explode randomly and I should be able to get by my custom components and repair them most of the time.


This leaves me cold; I don't think the best of anything should be locked to one game loop.


We really need a WoW style "aution house" soon-ish. Ideally separate per system so we still have to shop around a bit.


Hoping they do something Tarkov-like and add small but valuable loot worth 5k+ all the way up to some very rare 100k+ doodad. Make it possible to play a "FPS scavenger" kind of role.


I love the way you shoot B-roll and stitch scenes. It’s always pretty.


So we can basically forget about military components as orgs will camp this for them totally, got it.

Awful idea, tbh, they just need to add EXTRA good components there, not lock military components behind it; reward players who do the activity but do not annoy and add a penalty to players who do not interact with it cig...


With 3.24 comes the end of "local" storage and looting as we know it. Since we cannot physically carry the ship components and tractor beams do not work outside of landing pads, how are we supposed to move components we loot?


Sounds fun and I like the best ship components being behind a "dungeon" so I can finally have a rewarding gameplay loop, but I think they'll fall into the development trap that other free-loot MMOs have where zergs always control the Contested Zones.


Definitely think this will be a good thing when we have a solid player market but currently it’s too early to block these higher tier components behind PvP.
They should still keep the contested zones but give a monetary reward instead


I believe this is one way of getting good items quickly, I’m sure they mentioned at citizen con that blue prints that lock to your account can be found through exploring, mission rewards and I think they said PvP but I will have to double check that one,

The blue prints will be to make the high grade weapons, armors, components etc so I think this loop is for a quicker way to obtain them maybe,

The SC community is great so I’m sure there will be people willing to run this with the solo players so you don’t miss out and I will be happy too also, I’m not big on the pvp as mining is my preferred loop but I’ll join in to help obtain the better items :)


Sounds like mini 'Tarkov raids' combined with dungeons from your typical MMOs. People forget Tarkov is an MMO with the extraction mechanic.. It has crafting, flea market, missions, reputation, etc.


Having a respawn point next to these PvP locations is, in my view, a bad idea. Think of any extraction shooter where you can respawn and jump right back into the action without external help. When would a fight between two players ever end? Until one of them has to log off because of real-life obligations? Yes, you can respawn in Counter Strike. But such games have different rule sets where a winner is chosen at the end of a match. One of the main interesting parts of an extraction shooter is the fear of losing all your gear. A respawn mechanic next to those locations eliminates that.


I think some of the loot will be base items. Like mining machines, water collector, etc maybe. I think that makes sense to add to the loot pool.


If the merchantman is supposed to be a player based place to sell items, the game play for selling items is already thought of and is going to be implemented. Like Salty Mike says: players need to have the responsibility to be able to do more than an npc based market. Imo. Players need to have more than just loot, cargo run, and grief. They need to have black market stalls, bases, farming, crafting, etc. Yes u might need to hit some of these "dungeons" to get the recipe. But still needs to be more in the players hands vs npc controlled everything.


You should be able to buy all this stuff in stores, make them rare sure but don't make the best stuff exclusive to one gameplay loop! Hell there probably should be a tinkering / upgrading loop to improve components you own anyway


I think they're well aware of most of the issues you mentioned. We'll see how they choose to deal with them though.


Contested Zones will become much more careful when Death of a Spaceman eventually arrives, I imagine. I do find it a bit annoying that the top components will be locked behind these PvP missions, but hopefully the future will open other avenues for this i.e. being able to access a special shop when you reach max level with a faction (max CDF gets you the option to purchase Grade A mil components etc.). I'm definitely a PvE player who greatly prefers ship-based activity over FPS gameplay, and it would be nice to be able to trick out my racing ship to top spec without having to visit a black market.


I think a good way to address the insurance issue is to simply have insurance not cover them. The whole idea is that these components aren't generally available for sale to the public. So how would the insurance company get one to give you a replacement?
And to balance out the advantage these components give a player, I think as UEE military property, they should be considered illegal contraband. So if a UEE police ship scans you, they're gonna see them and you're gonna have some 'splaining to do. So it'll be pretty risky to have your ship outfitted with them in patrolled space. Or even have them onboard.
