Of Mice & Men - Fighting Gravity (Official Music Video)

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'Fighting Gravity' by @OMandMTV. New Album 'Echo' out December 3, 2021

#ofmiceandmen #sharptonerecords #fightinggravity

Directed by Frankie Nasso
Art Direction by Mathieu Caron
Video Edit by Sam Shapiro
3D Animation / VFX by Zack Williams
2D Motion Design by Peter Donda
Illustrations by Mathieu Caron and Nittaya Sergerie
Additional Cinematography: Cameron Nunez
Inspired by the work of Derek Hess
A Nova Entertainment Production

I can feel the distance,
Between the here and now,
And the hereafter.
Like life in an instant,
Legacies like grains of sand.

In an infinite ocean,
Tossing and turning endlessly,
In perpetual motion,
Until it's our time to surface,
From underneath.

Why am I always fighting gravity?

If everything is where it's supposed to be,
Then why does space just feel so incomplete?
If everything is made to fall into place,
Why am I always fighting gravity?

I can feel the balance,
Between then and now,
And what's to happen.
Such a fragile system,
Like life in an instant.

If everything is where it's supposed to be,
Then why does space just feel so incomplete?
If everything is made to fall into place,
Why am I always fighting gravity?
Рекомендации по теме

This is such a great song, with such a powerful message. As I'm pushing thirty, I've realized that maturing emotionally isn't figuring out how to brush away hard/heavy feelings and always being happy, but rather learning to manage them and finding happiness anyway. They never go away though, it always feels like you're fighting gravity, you just learn how to cope better.


I`m turning 40 next Year - a wife, no kids. Often i feel my Life is meaningless and has no sense anymore, hate my senseless job as well. Many friends moved on or left as the build up families for themselves. There aren`t oft more impressions left than work and the little free time that i have, but i carry on and I notice more every day that music just helps and is (and will be) an integral part of my Life forever.


Those cleans deliever so much emotion! Stoked for the new album 🤘🤘🤘


Was so worried these guys wouldn’t sound the same after Austin left….but god damn am I happy with this. These dudes are at their prime of this band. They took of mice to new heights, and weren’t afraid of the road they are paving! Keep it up dudes. 🙏👌


I swear aaron does cleans like nobody can, its hard to explain but the way he does it and puts emotion into it really resonates with me.


Really started tuning into these guys for the last year, by god have they turned my music taste on its head, I can’t thank them enough for bringing me the love I thought I never had 🤙🏽


The Breakdown at 3:03 is absolutely "goosebumps" ... Killer Song


OM&M is just killing it lately, every new song is better than the last. This one and Pulling Teeth have been my favorites so far.


This band is so consistent and still so underrated


I honestly missed this style more than I realized. Feels like the band is back in full-stride for the first time since like 2016. I like me some good-old-fashioned heavy, but I definitely missed this kind of lighter/experimental sound mixed in to the tracklist. OM&M's strength was always blending those 2 together, so it's great to hear them re-discover it.


What a year to be part of the OMAM family. I have to say this single is one of my favorites of you this year. I really missed that experimental touch in your music and the protagonism of vocal cleans. Reminds me to Living Things by Linkin Park! Love you guys! And the album artwork is dope!


"Why am I always fighting gravity" chills
-breakdown hits as the man floats up in gravity- more chills

ultimate goosebumps from this song.


I think this album, lyrically, is one of the best.


Aaron's cleans vocals are just amazing. Of Mice & Men never disappointed me!


This song honestly just hits home. Makes so much sense...


I know this has been out a year now but this song is just the right amount of heavy. And I don't mean break down. It puts pressure on my chest and you can feel this through your whole body.


I’m crying as I’m listening to this, and I’m keeping this one on repeat on my playlist.
This’d be a perfect slow dance song.
Love the instrumental work along with the emotion behind that clean voice.
Stay epic, OM&M.


The first time I heard this song was when I found out my dad passed away, January 7th 2022. This song has helped me cope with that in unbelievable way. Dont know why it speaks to me so much but it really resonates life with me and I'm forever grateful for of mice and men and helping me cope with the dark times in my life


This song describes what I’ve been feeling perfectly. Deep ambience and pure emotion. I have no idea where I’m supposed to go, who I’m supposed to be, I feel trapped in my own fucking mind. Thank you OMM for letting my mind breathe for a few minutes. Your music heals.


That might be the most minimalist breakdown I've heard. Everything instrument and layer has such space to shine.
