Галич около 1900 / Galich about 1900

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Дореволюционная Россия на фотографиях
Галич около 1900
Pre-revolutionary Russia in photographs
Galich about 1900
Galich is an ancient town in the Province of Kostroma, situated on the southern bank of Lake Galichskoye. The town was first chronicled in 1234 as Grad Mersky (i.e., the town of the Merya), gradually developing into one of the greatest salt-mining centres of Eastern Europe, eclipsing the southern town of Halych, from which it takes its name.
In the 13th century, the town was ruled by a younger brother of Alexander Nevsky.
The 15th and 16th centuries are justly considered the golden age of Galich. At that time the town controlled most of the Russian trade in salt and furs. The Poles burnt it to the ground in 1612, Peter the Great had a wooden kremlin demolished, and the town further declined with the transfer of Russian foreign trade from Arkhangelsk to St. Petersburg. Today the town remains a quaint backwater……..
Prelude from Op. 30. No.5 in D-major by R. Gliere
Галич около 1900
Pre-revolutionary Russia in photographs
Galich about 1900
Galich is an ancient town in the Province of Kostroma, situated on the southern bank of Lake Galichskoye. The town was first chronicled in 1234 as Grad Mersky (i.e., the town of the Merya), gradually developing into one of the greatest salt-mining centres of Eastern Europe, eclipsing the southern town of Halych, from which it takes its name.
In the 13th century, the town was ruled by a younger brother of Alexander Nevsky.
The 15th and 16th centuries are justly considered the golden age of Galich. At that time the town controlled most of the Russian trade in salt and furs. The Poles burnt it to the ground in 1612, Peter the Great had a wooden kremlin demolished, and the town further declined with the transfer of Russian foreign trade from Arkhangelsk to St. Petersburg. Today the town remains a quaint backwater……..
Prelude from Op. 30. No.5 in D-major by R. Gliere
Галич около 1900 / Galich about 1900
Галич в 1955 году / Galich in 1955
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