German Word Order & Sentence Structure | German with Laura

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(👆 UPDATED VERSION of 'English Grammar for German Learners')

This mini-course shows you how to dissect and understand German sentence structure even when it gets fancy with --for English speakers-- jumbled word order.

This German grammar video will teach you to understand the STANDARD, default word order pattern used in the German language plus the commonly used TRANSPOSED word order pattern (doesn’t always align well with English and so it's confusing).

Discover the principles of German word order that fuel ALL the patterns the German language ever uses:
A) the subject noun (nominative case) must be next to the conjugated verb
B) the conjugated verb must come as the 2ND element of the sentence

Both the STANDARD and TRANSPOSED word order patterns follow these 2 principles of German word order.^^ However, the transposed word order pattern has an added twist:

Rather than using inflection to emphasize a particular element in a given sentence, the German language transposes that element to the front of the sentence, which then forces the subject noun [nominative case] to the other side of the conjugated verb (which stays in the 2nd position, but which is not necessarily the 2nd word in the sentence!).

Once you understand the 2 principles that fuel these 2 German word order patterns, you will also be able to quickly grasp the remaining 2 word order patterns (video coming soon!). You’ll be well on your way to creating your own German sentences and doing it RIGHT!

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This video was one of the best introductions to German sentence structure I've encountered. Most instruction how-toos get too deep too fast. This was just right. Looking forward to the next one in the series. Thanks, Laura!


After... four months of studying German, the "word order for emphasis" was an ah-ha moment lacking in every other video I've watched so far. I'm going to watch this video 30 more times just to make sure I've (finally) locked these concepts in. DANKE!


And I finally come across the typical underrated Chanel with tons of quality information...


tommorow is my german paper and i have seen all your videos now i belive i am gone pass it out, love you from india


I’ve been studying German on and off for years. Laura’s videos are making German grammar finally make sense!


A great communicator and the best German for English native speakers I've ever discovered and I am thinking of subscribing to Lauras classes (pay)


I am a paying member! I am so happy that I found Laura's classes! Furthermore, I felt helpless when learning German without knowing the grammar! She's made it so much more learnable! Danke!


I am an American but German is my first language. I love how you explain and break things down. Your pronunciation is spot on!


I have learned the very basic German from apps, but this channel is taking my comprehension and understanding to much higher levels than any app ever could. Some people have a calling to be a teacher, and Laura is easily one of those people. Your laid back attitude and ability to explain complex ideas simply are unmatched and greatly aprreciated. Thank you!


I haven't learnt any German at all for the 2 years at my school. Now I finally understand the basics! Danke!


This video and all German with Laura videos are truly the best!
If your wanting to learn German this instructor is the place to start, hands down!


Best German teacher on YouTube
YouTube best German teacher
YouTube German best teacher


Vielen dank! This is extremely helpful. Sie sind ein gut Lehrerin!


Thank you soe much :)
I started tutoring lessons 3 weeks ago and i've been having a rlly hard time understanding the sentences, even though i know what the words meant. Now it finally makes sense. I still rely on translation, hopefully someday i'll be able to think in German


I am happy being one among the first few people to comment here and i'm sure she is gonna be the super German teacher


Wow. She is gifted teacher. She makes the complex simply simple


THIS IS A JEWEL OF A VIDEO!! Thank you so much!! Spanish is my first language, and exactly this "grammar formulas" were the ones that helped in my English learning process, now you did the same for my German learning process, thank u so much!!


Laura's channels make German easy and reasonable to a beginner from English background. Surprisingly, I found simple but comprehensive answers to questions I have been asking, including regular school teachers, without explanations. Thank you Laura. I hope to subscribe to your paid channels soon. Danke!


Oh thank you so much.
You solve all questions in one video 💐


Thanks for simplifying the sentence structure, Laura! I definitely feel smarter in German now 😃
