Humans Were Engineered

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#FelixRex #DNA #evolution
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I'm surprised they don't push the European Genesis more, they can then say everyone is european so everyone has a right to humanity's homeland, a position they don't hold for Africa though


I'm a PhD student in genome sciences. Robertsonian translocations don't tend to have massive impacts on phenotype because the affected acrocentric chromosomes tend to be small and feature high redundancy with other parts of the genome (acrocentric short arms especially). Living humans with Robertsonian translocations are known to medical science and, better yet, are not necessarily infertile. They can and do have healthy kids (usually with people who do not share the mutation). In other words, Robertsonian translocations can evolve and be transmitted naturally.

Although these people can and do have healthy kids, they have more fertility issues than the average person, and greater chance of offspring with other genetic abnormalities. This could contribute to speciation because you could end up with two different populations who have slightly incompatible karyotypes, and crosses between the two would have reduced fitness -- this would restrict (but not eliminate) gene flow, allowing the two populations to evolve separately and develop different traits over the history of their evolution.

Establishment thinking does happen to be correct on this particular issue, but anyone looking for heterodox views on human evolution -- stuff that can challenge and overthrow conventional thinking -- doesn't have to look too far. My first recommendation is always The 10, 000 Year Explosion by Cochran & Harpending, which completely flattens establishment thinking on recent human evolution. Recent human evolution is possibly the single most heavily politicized issue in biological sciences, so anyone looking to chip away at the foundations of our treasonous elites' political platform could do no better than to start there.

P.S. Two other things I'd like to point out -- one, differences in karyotype are not uncommon between two different species observed in nature. Two, they make reproduction difficult, but not impossible. Fertile mules have been observed by scientists, although they are about as rare as they sound like they would be.


It's a blessing in disguise that the scientific community has ignored the out of Europe theory. I can't help but to think that they would find some way to use that as an excuse to have more immigration.


I agree there has always been a science orthodoxy, but now it is highly politicized and weaponized.


If we are in a simulation, it was developed by Bethesda and published by electronic arts.


As a chemist, I can confirm that your _'I love science '_ guy stock footage is an accurate representation of best practices in any lab. 🙃


Can’t wait for the responses by Shaun and others when they claim, “Science isn’t political! Shut this down!”


Enki, chief scientist of the Anunnaki, genetically engineered humans as a slave race to mine gold 444, 000 years ago.


Of course we were engineered. Science is humans way of explaining what was sometimes already known. All of this was engineered. You can call the one who created it any word you want. But for thousands of years humans have had words for it. Just because we learn a little on how things work doesnt make it less amazing. We are created and permitted to understand.


Felix, You're the coolest dude I know. Keep it up, we appreciate what you do.


I dunno, I have always felt humans have 5 basic needs:
1) air
2) water
3) food
4) sex
5) getting as far away from Africa as possible

These needs are deeply ingrained. I’ve never been to Africa and I don’t even want to go to Maine because it’s the state closest to Africa (look it up). You couldn’t pay me to go to Africa. My desire to be as far from africa as possible is like my desire for fatty foods.


Imagine splashing liquid nitrogen in your face just for it to become stock footage on some website.


I just watched Dr. David Geary of the University of Missouri who is an evolutionary psychologist. He, along with his colleagues, has done a lot of study on gender differences. This, of course, has caused a lot of negative response from the professionally offended victim classes--particularly the extremely emotional Feminists (one and the same thing). Despite all of this, his research is interesting and explains a lot. Of particular note are that the more gender-equal a society (e.g. Sweden), the greater the gender differences in regard to professional roles that are chosen.


Robert Sepehr did a video today that can be considered along with this video…


What ive learned here today is that i have no idea what is gong on


of course I heard about the European evolution discovery, and I often point it out to people, and almost every single time I get called a racist and science denier... when I have facts and evidence... ironic that they are the ones calling me a denier, when they are ignoring the actual science


While not my field, I have known about this for a few years. You did an outstanding job of presenting it. Thank you!


Well I want my money back. Our engineer sucks.


Is that CopperCab in a Lab Coat?

Call Gavin to troll him back into the shadows.


I don't think a night goes by where I don't question the nature of existence. Why are we alive, why do we exist in the way we do, why do the laws of the universe exist in the way they do. The universe could possibly exist in any way, yet it exists in a way that supports the existence of life.
