Only One True Hero (Miles Morales vs Deku) [Marvel vs My Hero Academia]

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Track art by @TheASTARart and @Tyranniisaurus on X!
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Deku & Miles would definitely be best bros for life.


Wiz: Miles Morales, the Ultimate Spider-Man.

Boomstick: And Izuku Midoriya, the Mighty wielder of the One for All.

Wiz: One thing that continues a hero’s journey is their successor. A legacy which is their young apprentice who has learned from their teachers to become the new hero of the world.

Boomstick: He’s Wiz and I’m Boomstick.

Wiz: And it’s our jobs to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win… a DEATH BATTLE.


Finally, the best Deku matchup gets the spotlight! PLEASE tell me this is getting a vocal version!


YES ITS THIS MATCHUP! Love how it combines the MHA tunes with the vibes of Watts Up Danger. I feel like there's going to be vocals which hell yeah I'm all for


You can hear a bit of Watts up Danger in this track.


Miles: Yo. It was tough to find you. You ready to do this?

Izuku: Yeah. Lets give it all we got!

Miles: Now We're Talking!


- Both are the next in line from their successors
- Both can sense danger (spider sense & danger sense)
- Both exude electricity as part of their powers
- Both can traverse by swinging (web swinging & blackwhip)
- Both are young/inexperienced heroes
- Both are very booksmart and apply it in battle


Spider-Man 2099: Oh god, now where is he?

Spider-Woman: Apparently he’s in Earth 346.

Spider-Man 2099: Great. He’s in that one. He’s so doubt with that kid who’s like that Spider-Man from

Spider-Woman: Isn’t that the universe where mutants took over and 80 percent of them have powers and 20 percent of them didn’t?

Spider-Man 2099: Yup, in other words, Magneto just never quit.


A Spot for One More (Spot vs All for One) [MHA vs Spiderverse]


Miles: Yo! nice shoes! The look like mines!

Izuku: Oh, thanks! Yours arent bad either, wanna be friends?

Miles: Sure, why not


This was some catchy battle music but they’re can be only one true hero in this battle


Wiz: Miles Morales: One of the many Spider-Men from Marvel.
Boomstick: And Deku: The hero wannabe from My Hero Academia.
Wiz: Following the footsteps of an iconic superhero is no easy feat. But these 2 youngsters don't just follow their idols footsteps, they go one step further.
Boomstick: Whether it's their unique powers or their teamwork skills, they dont just become heroes, they've become their OWN heroes. He's Wiz & I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor & skills to find out who will win a Death Battle!


If this gets a vocal version, I wonder if it’ll lean more into Spiderverse or MHA


Miles vs Deku? This is SHOCKINGLY 100% PLUS ULTRA! If this has vocals, then I’m all for it!


*YES!!!!* Oh my god! Whoever commissioned this, Thank you!


This track is a bop

And the debate is surprisingly close with both of them able to one-shot each other (Sheer strength for Deku/ Venom Blasts targeting the nerves for Miles) so it really comes down to their smarts, speed, and abilties. Which i think is way more fun to think about, even if im leaning more to Miles than Deku


While I do prefer "You Say Danger" for a track name fitting of this matchup, this certainly is a cool name. Also damn that track art is epic, especially like the fact that Brandon Yates' name is put with an asterisk as if to say that the "only one true hero" is him, I find that funny.

Was really hyped for this track when I saw it, while I don't overly love the matchup I think it's really cool and that it has absolutely amazing musical potential. And did this track use this potential well ? I'd say yes for the most part. I do think it's going to receive lyrics in the future for reasons I'll cover in a bit but it's still quite enjoyable as a whole on its own. It perfectly mixes the heroic and epic side of Deku's MHA with the electronic and energetic side of Miles' Marvel while sounding separate from the songs associated with both in their source material which makes it feel extremely unique.

The slight "con" that I have with the song that makes me think it'll receive a vocal version however is that, while I do think that the track as a whole is far from stagnant or boring, it does feel a bit redundant given that most of its duration is a repeat of the same melody on loop over and over. This is alleviated by the fact that there's a lot of variation in the song's intensity and that said melody just sounds really good as a whole but it still feels a bit redundant to essentially have the entire track have the exact same melody just with different tones and, as said before, is why it makes me think that it'll receive vocals because this is exactly the type of instrumental that'd wonderfully fit having a lyrical complement to capitalize on the good sides of the instrumental while losing this redundant side.

Still, I must emphasize that I don't think the song is bad in the slightest. Yes it does feel a bit redundant but yet again the melody it has sounds really good and the way it's written mixes really well both sides of the matchup in a way that sounds good. It doesn't feel like a raw mashup of You Say Run and What's Up Danger but it most definitely feels like a mix of the two songs in atmosphere and that's exactly what I meant earlier when I said it uses the source materials' songs while still feeling distinct: it fits the characters while feeling unique which is great. It's definitely the type of song I'd put on loop whenever I want to feel motivated to do something which in my opinion is exactly the type of thing that a song focusing on this matchup should convey and it's done wonderfully here.

Overall this track isn't perfect I concede but it's still extremely solid and, assuming it does receive vocals, I have little doubt that it'll be improved on massively. But even in a vacuum it still does pretty much everything it should and then some more so even the one fault it has can be ignored for the most part. I definitely think this track continues the amazing streak we've been having lately which is extremely impressive as we're more than ten songs into said streak by now (not counting official track remasters) and I've rarely seen any artist make ten songs *in a row* that I ended up loving, there's entire albums that are shorter and lesser quality than this so it definitely is an achievement. Amazing job as always with this.


Miles: you can't say that word!

Deku: but I hear Almight say it all the time!


Was hoping the track name for this would’ve been “Beyond Expectations” but I’m glad to see this banger MU get a track at all! Best matchup for both and what they should’ve done in the first place tbh


This song truly fills me with the exaggerated swagger of a pro hero
