David Cameron: SNP in Westminster is a 'frightening prospect' - BBC News

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The Prime Minister said the SNP are 'a group of people who wouldn't care about what happened in the rest of the country' and that the rest of the United Kingdom 'wouldn't get a look in'. Speaking on the Andrew Marr show David Cameron said 'The SNP is a party that doesn't want to come to Westminster to contribute to a government; it wants to come to Westminster to break up our country."

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Andrew Marr: " I don't see how you're going to get (a majority)" in Parliament.

Do you see it now, Andrew?


"Andrew you didn't interrupt your other guests in this way" Love it.


This conversation is funny looking back ! Cameron got his majority government.


They begged Scotland to stay and now they're Scare mongering/complaining about the SNP. I'm not even Scottish but its come back to bite them in the arse and I'm loving every moment of it. Anything that gives the Conservatives and Labour less of an easy time is fine by me...They've made fools of people for far to long. Not like I really trust any political party but a shake up is welcome.


Let him answer the questions! Stop interrupting and asking question after question without getting an answer! Hahahaha


MR. CAMERON must and should be given another term to
accomplish his unfinished agenda. HE has certainly added
extra value in the BRITISH ECONOMY as PM . MOREOVER,
MR. DAVID CAMERON is a compassionate PM. HOWEVER,
he expects everyone to contribute in the BRITISH ECONOMY


this must be pretty embarrasing for andrew marr, he could not see the tories getting a majority. wrong wrong wrong. he showed his true colours i think.


No lol keep taking the meds Dave. U and Nigel make a good double


Not a fan of Dave or the Tories but he's spot on with what he said about the SNP


I believe Cameron is right! I am not a Tory but I pay a lot of TAX and contribute a huge amount to this country and work very hard. I have in the past claimed benefits when I needed but now I create jobs and help move this country forward. This is a great country and it rewards you if you work hard and I believe the tax I pay should be rightly be paid to the vulnerable and the sick but I refuse to accept that we should help lazy bums that play xbox, smoke weed and steal from hard working people that pay tax. I have people coming to me asking for jobs that claim housing benefits and job seeker benefits and work on the side for cash. These people are thieves! The cuts were hard for everyone but stop moaning now. It's boring! Let's all work hard and by paying tax let us all get out of this mess! Remember the Government do not have money. They spend ours! The whole world is going through austerity and we are no exception. It's tough but it's tough for all. Think of the people that drown trying to just get a life getting to Europe. Lazy people in this country can't even turn up to job interviews. Disgusting!


Yes David, what about this scenario - here in 2022 Tory party is on verge of breakup (brexit anyone?) and Westminster is faced with real possibility the SNP could be the official opposition after next GEneral Election. SNP directly involved then eh? Oops David I would wager you didn’t foresee that as a possibility 😂 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


we as Scots are part of the UK for now give us a chance 2 help the rest, only thing i hear from the others are blame games


Cameron expresses that SNP should not have input into government because they dont want to be a part of this United kingdom.  yet Scotland voted to stay in UK  so of course a scotish party should have a place in Westminster to contribute to how the UK is run.


The most frightening thing is people think that labour built up the debt however Cameron and the coalition have doubled the debt in half of the time and still think that zero hour contracts and tax breaks for the rich are the way forward.


Cameron was basically telling SNP to not show up to Westminster so he could get a 315ish seat majority without them


Anti SNP behaviour by Labour/Conservative politicians is cementing SNP votes North of the border. It insinuates that Scots don't deserve an influence at Westminster, regardless of the independence issue. If they both decided to welcome SNP politicians to Westminster, English voters would concentrate on other matters and Scottish voters would be more content with the UK Parliamentary system.

They haven't, and they're seemingly unaware of how much they are irritating the Scots. Meanwhile Jim Murphy is fanning the flames with a tragic campaign of gormless public appearances, and Nicola Sturgeon continues to make impressive TV interviews/debates. This is all going to plan for the Scottish 'Nationalists', as another independence referendum looks increasingly likely.


He is interrupting him every 5 seconds. If you watch the other interviews he let them say everything they wanted to.


Oh look the tories are in a coalition with the DUP. the irony


14:35-14:45 What's going on with the seats?


His argument 0.54 is pretty funny, considering that has been the plight of the Scottish people for decades...
