The Companion Bible

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A detailed review of The Companion Bible (ISBN 9780825421792). The text in this Bible is printed in a bold 7.75 to 8 point font in a (mostly) single-column, verse-by-verse format. The Bible features extensive 7 point textual notes with references to 198 appendixes included at the back of the volume, which contain detailed information and opinions on a variety of subjects. This Bible does not contain color maps or a concordance, but it does provide a general index to the appendixes. The appendixes promote futurist eschatology and are dispensational in character. Charles C. Ryrie stated that the editor of the Companion Bible, Ethelbert W. Bullinger, originated ultradispensationalism, the view that the Church began after Pentecost. This thumb-indexed volume is bound in burgundy (relatively flexible) bonded leather with a paste-down construction. It is sewn, lies open in Genesis, and comes with a single burgundy ribbon marker.

Detailed Contents

00:00 Dimensions, margins, layout, font … (three charts)
00:32 The box
00:42 The ISBN
00:52 Dimensions compared to a Local Church Bible Publishers’ 1917 Scofield and an Oxford 1967 Scofield
01:35 Page format
02:03 Page dimensions
02:23 Margins
02:53 The font in the text
04:33 Pronouns emphasized in the original are in blackletter (Gothic) font
04:53 Font in the notes
05:14 Paper qualities (thickness, weight, sheen, color, transparency)
06:07 Book introductions (7 pt font)
07:15 Books of the Bible generally begin on a separate page
07:45 The words of Christ are in black ink
08:05 Quotations from the Old Testament are in bold
08:53 Dates are sometimes placed in the margins
09:15 The 198 appendices
09:55 The general index to the appendixes
10:50 The paste-down construction
11:02 The black and white map of Paul’s missionary journeys
11:18 The sewn binding; it lies open and flat
12:07 A concern about the Cambridge Topaz
12:40 The ribbon marker
13:00 The presentation page
13:40 The ISBNs for various editions
14:28 The preface
14:38 It is not a Pure Cambridge Edition of the KJV
14:57 Charles C. Ryrie on Ultradispensationalism and E.W. Bullinger
15:29 A timeline of Bullinger’s life
16:15 More from Ryrie on Bullinger’s beliefs
17:33 Appendix 11 opposes the day=year equation
17:47 Appendix 12 – the Gospel is taught in the stars
17:56 Appendix 19 – Satan in the garden was not a literal serpent
18:23 Appendix 23 teaches that the Sons of God in Genesis 6 were fallen angels
18:27 Appendix 63 includes a section in the Psalms in the Anglican Prayer Book
18:55 Appendix 72 – the current dispensation is a parenthesis in God’s plan
19:10 Appendix 91 – Daniel’s 70 weeks
20:15 Appendix 94 – Critical editions of the Greek New Testament and the notes in the Companion Bible
20:54 Appendix 113 – the Kingdom is not the Church
21:25 Appendix 131 – Sheol is the grave
21:49 Appendix 140 – distinguishing various gospels; Paul taught more than one gospel
24:11 Appendix 155 – it was up to that generation to decide whether it would pass away before all those things were fulfilled (Mk 13.30)
25:11 Appendix 146 – the foundation and overthrow of the world (the gap theory?)
25:32 Appendix 156 - the Lord Jesus crucified on a Wednesday
26:05 Appendix 168 – the last 12 verses of Mark’s gospel omitted because spiritual gifts didn’t persist; the second century church not a continuation of the Apostolic church
27:36 Appendix 181 – the Church did not begin at Pentecost
28:47 A close-up look at the font, and the font compared to that in the Scofield Bible
29:31 How to use the notes, and a glance at ‘Structures’
32:15 Summary and the crimpled pages in the gutter
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Absolutely the very BEST study Bible a student of God's Word NEEDS to study from incl the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance. Absolute best Concordance


I have the Companion Bible and it is still one of the best KJV study Bibles you can get.
It has lots of cool footnotes and appendices. Bullinger was mighty insightful.
One of my favorite appendices and footnotes is where Bullinger points out that there were actually FOUR criminals crucified with Christ...NOT the commonly held two. Very interesting.
If you're a student of the Bible, everyone should have the Companion Bible among their collection.


I love Bullinger, and I love the companion bible.


AMEN My KJV Companion Bible, love it.


Beautiful job well done 👍
Love the calmness and brevity of your dialogue


I was surprised by his text critical notes. For his time he seemed up to date and honest.


Jordan Maxwell was who pointed me in the direction of the Companion Bible


The companion and the dake is my two favorite BIBLE.


One of my first bibles. No longer own it. Can't wait to see this review.


The Proverbial miner's pick axe, I call my Companion Bible. Don't leave home without it.


Wow Great review! I have always wanted one of these and after seeing this thorough review it makes me want one for study purposes even more! Thanks for taking time to do these reviews!


I have the Companion Bible I use it a lot as a study bible, it a very well made study bible thanks for your review


Very good review. A couple of points to consider: (1) Regarding the "structures", Bullinger felt that they were an evidence of the Divine origin of Scripture, showing a logical layout of God's word. He perhaps overstates the case, but I've found those outlines to be helpful. (2) The main minor criticism I would have of this review is that it omitted the information in the text and appendices that explain Hebrew and Greek synonyms, showing which particular word is translated in the KJV and its origin, kind of a mini lexicon (he also published a separate, complete Greek lexicon). It should also be noted that Bullinger's edition of the KJV includes quotation marks, which can be very helpful. I'm no ultra-dispensationalist, and I'm less of a "regular" dispensationalist that I used to be, but I've found the information in this Bible to be invaluable. I discard the ultra-dispensationalism (and even some "regular" dispensationalism) but still have grown to appreciate Bullinger's scholarship and love for the Word. Thanks, though, for the comprehensive look at this volume.


Excellent review, but that is to be expected! This is one of those fun bibles. Dr. James White once ranked this bible as a "3" on a 1 to 10 scale, but I still own a copy. Back in the mid-late 1990s and early 2000s, I worked a 3rd Shift job where I watched The Shepherd's Chapel because nothing else was on, and that's when I heard of the Companion Bible. Arnold Murray was not what most would call an orthodox Christian pastor, but he did read through the Bible. I use the Appendices a bit.

It's a fun Bible to own. I have a Genuine Leather edition.


Kregel Publishing didn't exactly go all out on quality for this publication did they? Back in the day Zondervan was the one printing the Companion Bible. I have one from 1986 and it was done right with decent paper quality and print. Now they print these as cheaply as possible in some slave labor factory in China for pennies on the dollar and then Kregel jacks up the price to 70-80 dollars a piece to charge us poor suckers


Excellent review! Thank you kindly for the great detail!


Without commenting on Bullinger's theology, the nice thing about The Companion Bible is that _most_ of the "opinion" / interpretation is in the Appendices. The supplementary material within the text is largely outlines, language notes, clarifications, references, etc. That's not to say they're completely non-sectarian, but I'm not an "ultra-dispensationalist" and have used the Companion Bible for years as my only study bible. Unlike study bibles today, which are a) light on actual scholarly notes and b) heavy on sectarian slant.


Jordan Maxwell well thank you .... I was listening


A marvelous and thorough review of The Companion Bible. Bullinger was a bible scholar to the 10th power. Sometimes he would part hairs a little too much on certain things chasing rabbit trails, but definitely a genius in his own right, with some fascinating views back in the day. Glad we get to partake of some of his insights and thoughts on The Bible, the book he adored and loved.


Better get on that. I kinda feel it’s going to take a while!
