*Global Phenomenon* - ' World's Flying insects disappearing'

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October 21, 2017: Flying insects, an annoying but necessary part of life, are disappearing, according to a study published Wednesday in the journal PLOS One. For the study, researchers evaluated 27 years of insect collection data from German nature preserves and found the biomass of flying insects had fallen by a seasonal average of 76 percent!
As detestable as flying insects are, they’re also a vital part of the ecosystem, providing food for animals and playing a vital role in agriculture. As for why the insects are disappearing, researchers appeared stumped. Climate change, they said, seems an unlikely culprit since the increase in temperatures should have helped, not harmed, the insect population. But, what if an increase in Extreme UV is the unseen culprit?

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I heard about this last night on the news on the radio while I was at work.
How's this for a theory:
Cellphone towers, Wi-Fi, high tension electrical lines and the like are interfering with the nervous systems of the insects.


MrMBB333 I've been farming organically for 30+ years & my farm has always had a great balance of predator/prey insects. 2 yrs. ago every single wildflower in my fields had a baby honey bee. This year I have seen only THREE! I had a huge swarm of bees living in my back room wall that I didn't have the heart to kill & they're all gone. There are barely any crickets, gnats, flies, deer flies, no mosquitoes though we had tons of wet warm weather. This time of year we usually have swarms of lady bugs that land on the west side of my white house. I haven't seen ONE this year. The 5 pairs of bluebirds that lived here as long as we did are gone, in fact there are very few birds except starlings & grackles, no native species.
My fruit, nut and shade trees are all dying. The main thing I believe is killing them is all the solar geoengineering in the sky over my farm which has never had a chemical used upon it. However, the UV may be adding to this destruction. I had a flat of tomato plants on my front porch which faces east that died, yet I have 2 flats still sitting in my east facing kitchen window that are bright green and still thriving with only an inch of soil in the flat. I've never seen anything like this in 30 + years. I wish I had a way to send pics but I don't have a web cam or smart phone. Thank you for what you do!


Maybe it has something to do with what they're spraying on us.


I remember hearing a report from NOAA back in the late 1990s, about how the sun had shifted in to the blue of the spectrum.
They said it could be confirmed with a glass prism from the early 1800s.
In this report they linked the shift in light to coral Reef bleaching, they also speculated on how plant life would be affected. If I'm not mistaken only plants of a certain colour combinations would be ok.
Anyway insects and plants are absolutely linked together ecologically, that's just my thoughts on this....


In recent years, I have barely seen any butterflies, bees or other insects (Northern Sweden)


Hi I have been watching your videos for some time and I have noticed some of the things you talk about in your videos. This summer I was traveling from Banff, AB along the Colombian Icefield highway towards Jasper, AB and many of the signs are fading out as you have mentioned. And we travel often in the bush for hunting and have noticed many trees and bushes are burnt by the sun. I live in Northern British Columbia. Thanks for your informative videos!! 😀


Thank you so much for addressing the squirrel issue! I live in Atlanta~The squirrel capital of the world. For the last few weeks I have only seen two squirrels and I feed my squirrels~ The food just sits on the ground now and the few that do come around are not interested in eating it Also we are losing our birds and the golden finches look like they are diseased. It's extremely upsetting!!


That’s really weird! Thanks for all the research you do for your viewers💗


now that i watched this..ive realized that i haven't had a fly in my place all summer....


I noticed that there were no Cankerworms here this year. Normally they rain down on me in the spring and I spend hours putting bands on my oak trees every year. No need any more. They are all gone.


Here in the UK we have a weekly programme called Country File that reports on anything from farming to the weekly weather report. Last week they reported on our bee population and how low the numbers of different types there were and how it was affecting our honey production. They did various tests on captured bees and their honey and found that due to pesticides our bee population was being killed off throughout the UK from the spraying by farmers and that the honey produced was unfit to eat as it was full of deadly insecticides/pesticides and have warned us about eating it.


They're all in my backyard! And please take them back.


Over here in Virginia we have no fireflies either and I vividly remember having quite a few a couple years ago


Here in the state of Maine, A mere fraction of the amount of flies that we always had around every summer. There are a variety of insects now that I have no recollection of ever seeing before. Some of the insect colors are very striking and beautiful.


I can tell for sure, that we have plenty of fly's, fire fly's, squirrels and more in pretty large groups in my area of Oklahoma! So they are doing extremely well here!


It happened 3 years ago here in Queensland Australia, no flies through the entire summer at all, not one. Back to normal now though, can't have a poo in peace.


Here in South Georgia the Bee's, Fireflies, and Dandelion of all things are getting scarce, also very few Squirrels, 😕


NW Pennsylvania, lack of flies. Seen bee's but not as many as usual.


I'm from near there and didn't realize there aren't any flies. Usually there's some in the garbage cans. Odd. Lots of fireflies though.


Maybe that thing they are using to hide the objects in the sky is what is damaging the trees and scrubs and maybe the larva. I would think it would have a magnifying effect. Lots of people saying the sun feels like it’s burning their skin even when the temp is not that hot outside.
