What's wrong with the Policing Bill? | Friends of the Earth explain

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Great video! Well explained. So basically, the police could say about almost any protest 'This is too noisy'. Or 'This is too disruptive'. And make people arrestable and criminalized.

Question: Would this criminalization of tresspass undo the 'Right to Roam' Act (which lets us walk on open farmland for leisure etc?)

And, am I right in thinking - that most protest involves some kind of tresspass, thus, criminalizing this (e.g. walking into polluter company's HQ to protest) would also make protest illegal in this second way? Many 'public' spaces are technically private (like high streets, shopping malls, petrol station forecourts, and a lot of land in London assumed not to be). Thus this is a really bad bill for protest in this way, as well as bad for traveler communities.

Simon Nash, Green Oil
